Living with my FWBs?

Just asking for others thoughts on my situation.

In September 2021 my best guy friend—who was also one of my college roommates— of 5 years started taking an interest in me being newly single. Back in 2016–2018 when we were roommates living with 3 other people we were both in relationships & nothing was ever sexual.

Fast forward to August 2021 I break up with a toxic guy who I was in a relationship with for 4 years.

Then September 2021 my guy friend and I connect more after my break up & end up hanging out weekly and going to events with our mutal friends. October 2021 we go with a small group of friends to a carnival & he suggests we should start being friends with benefits. I've never done friends with benefits before. But agreed to it. After that our friendship becomes more sexual.

November 2021 he's still living at his ex's house and she's away at college and her Dad wants him to move out of the house by the end of the month. I'm still living at my parents but would much rather be out & independently living. My guy friend asks if I'd like to be roommates with him (again). I say why not. But we're already best friends but also FWBs. In mid Nov 2021 we finished an apartment search and moved into one together. Since then we're still FWBs.

Has anyone ever LIVED with a friends with benefits's or is it just me? 😅
+1 y
After 6ish months of this today we had the mature conversation to end our benefits. And focus back on our friendship that we really do cherish & kinda wish we didn't become sexual. 6 months left on the lease. Wish me luck 🙂
Living with my FWBs?
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