( cause I usually don't date younger guys)
So, whats your opinion on dating younger guys? (Women) and Guys why date an older women?
( cause I usually don't date younger guys)
It problematic to date an older woman if she lost her ability to give birth, it's the main issue.
I have never dated a younger guy. I can't say that was intentional but more the way things worked out. However, if the opportunity had presented itself, while i dont think there's anything wrong with it, I think it would bother me.
I say all that to simply say do what makes you happy. If it's not an issue for either of you - then its not an issue and just enjoy each other. 🙂
I am ok with dating with an age difference. Once you both click with each other, age doesn't really matter. If you both truly love and you feel you are being respected by someone mature (mentally) , you should go for it. Age shouldn't be a barrier when it comes to love. Good luck:)
Age is just a number. I have no preference on how young or old my significant other is. And here I am married for twelve years to a woman who is 38 years older than me. I'm 31, and she's 69.
If you hit it off, then go for it.
age does not really come into it there.
I personally wouldn't do that much of an age gap. But I don't see much of a problem anyways. Unless he's underaged or somewhat around the early 20s.
If people fit together then it shouldn't matter at all
He's right... I'm 25 and I also prefer older girls.. They're wholesome
Its either A just sex or B you're both fucked in the head.
I don't mind an age difference
Age is just number