Why do guys (perhaps 24+) seem to prefer plain Janes over the hotter types?

This applies to the context of relationships, perhaps not one night stands and flings.

I live in the UK so not sure if it is a cultural thing or applicable to the US as well.

But it seems all the hottest guys I know have gone for some really quite ordinary (bordering on slightly unattractive) women. None of this women are fat or ugly. They’re just well... plain. They’re the sort who dont wear make up/aren't well groomed and wear Next, Kath Kidson and Boden. They;re the sort who are quite athletic and aren’t particularly career driven. A key example of this occured at work. I (25/F) was getting to know a colleague (32/M). We would have some flirty banter but it never really progressed beyond that. It then comes to light that he had in fact started dating another colleague (35/F and a classic plain Jane!). Everyone was baffled that he chose her over me since I am a decade younger and frequently referred to as beautiful and glamourous. Plus, said plain Jane is behind me in her career despite being a lot older. I am also lively and have a laugh with my colleagues. This woman is boring and does not particulate in any banter or fun. This is just one example, it appears to happen frequently !
Why do guys (perhaps 24+) seem to prefer plain Janes over the hotter types?
6 Opinion