Came off too strong and she ghosted me, but still has me on social media?


Hello, so this girl and I have known each other for 10 years and we’ve been friends with benefits for the past 3 years (on and off). Recently we were in a good part of our “fwbship?”, and she brought up to me for the first time how she would eventually want to be exclusive with me, I agreed that I would want to be exclusive as well. Two days after that talk, she invited me to an event with her family, it went very well and she was very affectionate towards me, even in front of her family. The night after that, she called me and asked how my day was and that was it, typically she’d stay on the phone all night, roughly an hour or more. We got off the phone after 2-3 minutes, it was 9pm and usually we go to bed around 1am, so I got insecure about that, (why did she hang up so early? Is she talking to another guy? Etc) and so I called her back asking if we were exclusively hooking up (I know, I fucked up there) and she basically said no and said we should be honest and get tested before we hook up. I got butthurt and emotional about it and made an ass out of myself. I thought she wanted exclusivity. I then said we should take a break to see how we feel later on (stupid now that I think about it) and asked what she thought about it, she said had a long pause and said “can I have time to think about it?” I said yes and she ended the call with “thanks, I appreciate it…”

the next day, I realized the stupid shit I said and I called her twice 5 hours apart and no answer or call back, I wanted to go apologize about the night before. After the whole day passed, still nothing, I got weak again and text her saying “I guess we aren’t going to talk anymore. sorry for how things turned out, take care of yourself.” And I still haven’t heard from her, it’s been 3 days.

I know what I did was fucking stupid and I was just being emotional. She still has me on social media and is usually watches my stories within The first 30 minutes after posting them?

Did I complete fuck this up?

Came off too strong and she ghosted me, but still has me on social media?
4 Opinion