Wherw to go from here?

Been seeing a girl for a while, we have regular dates and talk everyday. She sends lots of affection my way. And shows she genuinely cares.

Since meeting her I've seen her go through a lot and some reasonabley traumatic experiences. I've stayed by her side and helped with whatever I can

Most people assume we are dating and it even feels as though we are and I genuinely enjoy being around her and talking to her. Likewise from her side as she has told me that she likes me and is interested in where it can go

I know she is slow to trust and has been hurt badly before, I recently brought up the subject of putting labels on everything. Her response was 'i don't want to rush anything ATM x'

I told her I understand and she was still sending lots of affection e. g hearts, kisses and sending pictures as she was going out.

If this is genuinely going to go somewhere I'm happy to keep waiting but I also feel somewhat rejected as in a way I was. The big question is how to I act and think about the situation

Wherw to go from here?
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