Should I even continue talking to this guy?


Me and this guy recently started talking, he told me that he recently got left by his wife and he’d like to take it slow. At the beginning he was really excited to talk to me, and we stayed on the phone for hours. He was eager to meet me so I agreed and spent the night at his house, all we did was kiss and cuddle. The following day he seemed weird, and he told me that it felt like he was cheating. Since then he’s been really distant to me, and he hasn’t responded to my text for a few days now. He opened up to me and told me before that he was really hurting and wanted me to help him move on and emotionally support him so we could fall in love together. I’m so confused now. Mainly because he was excited to start something with me but it’s like he’s backing away from me. Should I just delete his number and forget about him?

Should I even continue talking to this guy?
5 Opinion