Do shorter guys get cheated on more?

This isn’t click bait or troll I’m Just generally wondering because well I am a short man and honestly looking at tv, social media, studies and society itself women usually go for taller men for well multiple different reasons and you can’t really judge them ether. Plus with history of my own parents with my mom cheating on my dad makes me afraid of Getting into a relationship in fear of being cheated on. I also read some where that “short men usually just get settled for but not desired.” And considering the girls that get with shorter guys have higher chances of being insecure because they don’t feel as small as they would with a bigger man. One of the reasons women cheat is because they feel insecure (which is true look it up) so they look for satisfaction from someone else. PLEASE HONEST ANSWERS ONLY!
Do shorter guys get cheated on more?
Post Opinion