It’s to new! But if I don’t?

Ok ladies and actually I’d like to hear the guy’s opinion on this as well.
whenever meeting a girl , and both are interested, talk every night and just basically getting to know each other.. more personal stuff is shared as you go, and I know that it’s normal for females to have men in their lives that are not necessarily dating material. It seems as though women have men assigned for different purposes. One is cry on shoulder guy, then can always count on for help like lifting and moving guy, and then there is the friends with benefits take care of her needs guy. ⬅️this guy is the one not talked about much, or find out about later guy. My question is, you have been talking to a girl for say a month and half, no sex yet but talk about it. Then you find out there is a guy in her life that she might sleep with if she so chooses or has in the past. I’ve had this scenario happen many times and while she was holding out on me because we were new I find out later was having sex with non romance guy. At this point I’m out. And possibly missed out on an otherwise great girl because of her choices.

if I speak up, and ask about this guy before she sleeps with him I’m coming off as insecure. In reality what I’m trying to do is hopefully let her know that if you sleep with another man after the point we started talking I will not remain in this relationship. Anyways I’d love to hear other’s opinions and guys, do you speak up? Or hope that she holds out for you?

It’s to new! But if I don’t?
Post Opinion