I’m not buying it because from my thought since we’ve been briefly socializing that remark seems as if he believes there is disinterest and I would give him a fake number.
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Honestly I would have to be there to know which one it is. It could be either. Guys get fake phone numbers all the time. So sometimes even when you actually trust the girl guys will make that joke. But he also maybe have been truly hesitant and nervous that you did. I can't tell you which because I don't know the guy or how he said it. Just letting you know both are truly possible.
Maybe definitely on the hesitant side because he never called 😂😂😂😂 from the way he was interacting and asking me out until 3 times I finally decided to give my number then saying he would call I assumed he would call but didn’t do I guess he wasn’t interested after all !
Oh he asked you three times? Yeah I think he was serious then. He probably believes it's fake and he never even attempted. Honestly I never get to that point but if a girl gave me her number I'd probably ask if I could call her right then and there to verify it wasn't fake IF I was hesitant it was real.
No he didn’t ask me 3 times is it fake. I was saying he asked me out to go somewhere lol
I see what you’re saying Lool. But at some point once the number is finally given wouldn't it be the norm to send a message or give a call? That to me seems like disinterest.
Sometimes I feel like things can get lost in translation when a guy isn’t up front with his intentions. Rather than saying, “I would like to go here “ or “When are you off?” Why not he just be upfront and forward. So many grey areas when a guy says “There’s this event going on and I wanted to go there with you.” Then he get the number and don’t call? That’s confusing
I agree with what you're saying, he should have texted or called you. But I don't think it's a disinterest. I think he thought it was fake and just decided it was fake without trying. I don't agree with his decision but I think that's what happened. Like I said if I thought it was fake I'd probably say. "Can I call you right now to verify this is real?" But I'm also trusting so I probably would have taken a chance and hope you didn't give me a fake
Ahh I see what you’re saying. I’ll just leave the situation as it is. I don’t have anything against him though because we do go to the same church. I’ll just stay to myself because I don’t want to create any tension.
That sounds like a good idea. The guy should have taken the chance in my opinion and called you. But just remember girls do give out fake numbers all the time. It was a long time ago but I got a fake number or two in high school. I figured it out luckily but I had a couple bullies convinced a girl to give me a fake number.
Of course I definitely see your point of view. I’m a firm believer in whatever meant to be in this life will happen. Thanks for your help it means a lot !
Perhaps a little insecure, but a lot of women do give out fake numbers instead of just being direct. He's probably had this happen a few times.
It sounds like it was both , Most females’ give fake numbers to guys’ she feels intimated by , a guy that is coming on to her way too strong that she feels threatened by , so she gives him a fake number , so he backs off of her and leaves her alone, she doesn’t want to be rude she just thinks it’s easier for herself to get him off of her back and shut him up. It’s a chance most guys’ take when he is really interested in a girl , she will only give him her real number, if she is interested in him. It’s rude to do to someone but it is what it is. Guys’ do this shit as well to girls’ that are coming on to him, that he isn’t interested in , he doesn’t want to be rude , he just wants her to back off of him and leave him alone , most guys’ will also say he is already in a relationship with someone when really he isn’t , to get her to back off of him without coming off as rude , So it’s a chance we all take in this lovely dating world
I think it is likely a common thing to get fake numbers these days, so if he asked jokingly, he's likely the kind of guy that it wouldn't bother him if the number was fake. I would likely say the same thing.
So I guess on the contrary, he's not insecure, he's totally secure if it ends up being a fake number and it doesn't bother him.
In my opinion yeah, its a sign of insecurity but its normal, at the end guys get a lot of fake numbers, that at the end make us be not sure if we are being played or not. If you gave him the right number maybe he calls, but if he really things you are just playing with him maybe he won't even try calling.
Could be either
I know when I got my first girlfriend's number (before she was my girlfriend) I didn't ring it at all, lost/broke the phone and had to get it again and ended up getting it from someone else and it was the same so I called to check it
TDLR I had the number for 6 months before I called it
Welcome to being a man. Where women lead you on while being not remotely interested. It isn't a sign of insecurity or a joke. He was just not getting his hopes up because he has been played before.
Guys get fake numbers all the time, and many times you'll get a fake number after a woman has been giving you every green light sign possible.
It might have been a joke, but it was probably mild insecurity.
Wow you're overthinking this. Which of these possible outcomes would actually change anything?
Thoughts are that you should chill out. You girls wouldn't know a joke if it smacked you upside the head.
Girls do give fake numbers or the number of a girl they don't like. I prank the number so as not to let them get away with that.
In my younger years when driving the local circut. Women used to give guys the gay hot line number and there was a lot of women who had the name Sandy Beach!
A joke.
He is a jerk, IMHO.
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