Is he being hiding something feeling wise like is this a coincidence?


2 days ago on my insta I posted a new top I got it’s a Heart ( 70s band ) top on that post I also put the song Crazy On You my male friend a close friend and crush who’s been ghosting me since February due to alcholism, has a lot going on ( who’s a close friend I’ve known on and off since 2016 and we mutually like each other ) follows me on his art page.

on his meme page though he just posted a insta story with a Heart song These Dreams

so in my head I think that’s a weird couincidence and I know from others he is mysterious when it comes to crushes with him.

so girls has this happened to you and guys is this a hidden sign there’s something there?
I don't know.

Is he being hiding something feeling wise like is this a coincidence?
4 Opinion