1 mo

AITA for being upset my boyfriend is tired after work everyday?

To give context he recently switched to and hour longer than usual, it has really taken a toll on him as the past couple weeks he makes me pick him up from work at 5:30 then goes straight to sleep after about an hour. The reason i’m upset is bc as soon as i leave, which has been about 2-3 hours after i pick him up because he just falls asleep and doesn’t wanna wake up, he magically wakes up and stays awake all night. Then he barely texts me as he does the same all day while he’s at work. I’m starting to see red flags but i wanna give him the benefit of the doubt bc he has a labor job. Am i asking too much or am i reasonable for feeling like i’m losing my boyfriend? I don’t want to hold him back from working so i haven’t said anything, but should i or am i overreacting?
AITA for being upset my boyfriend is tired after work everyday?
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