- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
I’ve never had a girlfriend I didn’t get sick of and ultimately just not want to be around. Not even out of dislike, you just get to know them so much to where it’s not exciting anymore or new, then a new exciting girl comes along, and I want that. That’s why I’ll never get married. Women’s shelf life isn’t as long as they think. They’re on top of the world in their 20s, then hit their 30s and realize everyone wants the hot women in their 20s, so why not just stick to that? Obviously lol. Don’t fall into the trap of marriage boys, we’ve seen first hand how well that goes!
01 Reply- New 1 mo
Good luck finding a genuine person to care for you.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
Because we (both girl and guy) need to keep the romance interesting. If you come home and flop on the couch and watch tv the girl will get tired and bored of you.
Same with the girl. Routines kill relationships. Always keep things interesting, always something different.01 Reply- 1 mo
Mature. 👍
Honestly, it usually comes down to a mix of routine, lack of excitement, or sometimes just differing needs and interests. People can get bored if things become too predictable or if they feel like they're not growing together. It’s key to keep things fresh and communicate openly to avoid that “tired of each other” phase. 💬🌟
31 Reply- 1 mo
Accurate but this sounds somewhat AI like 🤔 Did you use AI here? 🤨
- 1 mo
I’d only get tired of them if we’re not getting along or if they kept falling into a depressive state or if they keep making the same mistakes we already discussed that needed to be corrected.
11 Reply- 1 mo
I see people saying routine and predictability but as someone who likes things organized and enjoys planning great trips and preparing for the worst, I could never get bored of that 😂 Guess I should date someone whose compatible in that sense
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 mo
Life is what one make of it. So both partner needs to come together to grow and live a life of happiness…
if one only wants one thing and the other doesn’t communicate their needs… it’s not a balance relationship. Life/jobs… can become dull …
my choice… I refuse to live a boring life so I take my kids/famylt/hubby and traveling around the world. And experience life!
10 Reply I never had a boyfriend but I would be tired of dating for years and never move next level to meet families live together , stuff like that. I never had a guy progress so that makes me miserable hallow & so sad. It would be bliss if a relationship moves next level and is not dates for years and years forever
10 ReplyThere’s different types of love. Agape, philos, Eros, and Storge. Erotic love can’t last forever. Men want variety, and women are hypergamous. Typically Erogic love lasts 3~5 years which is why some researchers believe humans are by nature serially monogamous. Erotic love can and should turn into sacrificial and familial love with time and a sense of duty, unfortunately too few people seem to understand that love changes.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Guys get tired of all the games today's women play. Since there's always a segment of women who gives it up all nice and easy it's just easier to seek them out for a simple friends with benefits. Then a woman that just jerk you around for a few months then say not interested or pick another guy.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Familiarity breeds contempt. We humans thrive on novelty. We MUST have it!
00 Reply - s1 mo
21 Reply- 1 mo
yea and they are boring themselves... not enough interests nor interesting enough.
and they cause each other stress... without resolution.
- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
Maybe small dick
03 Reply- New 1 mo
- New 1 mo
- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
Maybe one of them is an ass****.
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