- 1 mo
The main reason why it hurts is that females, in general, cannot separate sex from companionship, and their desire for sex plays a big role in their friendship with others. Many females' relationships with males are to have their physical needs met, have a good time with someone paying for it, and have their male friends buy them things. Most female and male relationships are 80 percent female in what she can get from the male. Females cannot cut sex off from having a relationship, and that is why they go male to male to find who will meet their needs.
00 Reply
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2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Bc the TYPE of companionship is different in a friendship than in a romantically-oriented relationship.
01 Reply
Um.. well it’s the most unsatisfactory conciliatory award ever when you want the grand prize. It’s a rejection first of all. And this is make or female. When you desire to kiss and eventually be intimate with someone… a side hug just doesn’t cut it. Especially when you will have to watch some other woman or man get the role you wanted above all
10 Reply
- 1 mo
Its rejection at the deepest level. You are cufoff feom passing on your genetics.
In some cultures the women that dont get a guy end up single , alone, without support amd vulnerable to great suffering. Those realities be passed kn in your sub conscious.13 Reply- 1 mo
Reality is fucked up.
- 1 mo
@WodensGedriht agree, reality can hurt. if it's put into the right perspective, it is manageable. that's "belief/religeon".
- 1 mo
Well all the Abrahamic religions seem to believe the majority of people go to hell, even in their own religion.
I don't see the point in paradise if your family aren't going to be there.
What Girls & Guys Said
915 opinions shared on Dating topic. Because there’s a huge difference between having romantic feelings for somebody vs not.
13 Reply- 1 mo
We females cannot remove those romantic feelings. Our sex drive is so strong. American society tells us females are not sexual and do not desire sex, but that is a lie.
- 1 mo
@BethOfWisdom 100%. I crave more sex than my boyfriend does, I just know how to discipline myself
- 1 mo
@BethOfWisdom I think western societies have been rudely awakened on that :).
One of the drivers of human social structures is that human babies are born premature because otherwise the head would become too big. Chimp babies are capable of independent life long before human babies. Human males stick around.
There are reasons why we are as we are.
Bonobo chimps use a simple 'may the best sperm win' strategy and 'every boy gets a go'. We could have more widely used that strategy... but we didn't.
Are we? I'm about companionship AND sex hand in hand. Just companionship is for those you are not attracted to and east to do. If attracted... sexual emotions are going to be involved. And constant reminder he basically rejects you that way is gonna hurt!
Human nature!
54 Reply- 1 mo
right? If you're not having sex, then you are just friends/roommates
- 1 mo
@bananathunder and if you have feelings then you want sex ultimately lol. It's what sets "companionship " in a general sense a part from relationship desires lol
- 1 mo
100000% ;)
- 1 mo
I think some anxiety ladies do enjoy sex and companionship as good as any man would - without them being overly horny all the time, not me as I would not want a woman constantly talking sex and likewise I also wouldn't want to constantly talk sex to my SO or girlfriend
00 Reply - 1 mo
Because you're romantically and/or sexually attracted to them. Can you be fine with just being friends? Yes, some can but others can't. And you having a crush will still go on until you find another person you're attracted to.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I suppose it hurts because it is a constant reminder that he doesn't want you lol.
I was friends with a guy for years that I was into, but I placed him in that position in hopes I wouldn't lose him. I still eventually did LMAO.00 Reply I've always argued that women mostly just want companionship so this is interesting to see this debated.
10 Reply1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because you’re trying to be “friends” with someone you don’t just want to be “friends” with.
Either date him or drop him and move on since you don’t see him as a friend.
00 Reply- 1 mo
Because romance is about more than sex, but it does usually include sex (if you’re old enough for that)
20 Reply 342 opinions shared on Dating topic. Some women don't know how to handle rejection or being put in the friend zone as well as guys
10 Reply1.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. I am guessing girls want the bonded nature of a sexual relationship.
A friend can have other things to do11 Reply- 1 mo
That why most female what a boyfriend to meet her sexual needs.
5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Of course it will hurt because that liking/love is one sided from the woman's side. One sided like/love always hurts.
00 ReplyI've never met a girl that was happy without sex. Most are constantly enraged if they're not having sex.
01 Reply- 1 mo
Females can not keep sex out of being just a friend.
481 opinions shared on Dating topic. Because you don't want to be just friends. You want to be more but it isn't happening. So close, yet so far. That is why it hurts.
12 Reply- 1 mo
The reason why it hurts is females are not more about companionship, but they are more about sex.
- 29 d
@BethOfWisdom Don't you usually need a connection first? Before me and my now girlfriend got together we didn't really do anything sexual together Until we got together.
11.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. It doesn't hurt. I am not sure where you got that idea from.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Because one is emotional/psychological, the other physical/biological. At the end of the day, girls are still animals with girl parts and the urge to breed. You can’t overcome biology.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Females have sex just as much as males. I am laughing at this part of your question - females are more about companionship than sex, anyway. We mature females know that females do what companionship, but we added sex to it. Let's be honest.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
it doesn't hurt me as I always talk to multiple men at the same time so if he doesn't want me don't care I have 20 other lined up who want to date me.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Because not having sex with someone you want to have sex with sucks?
00 Reply - 1 mo
Seems more like a participation award than getting 1st place I assume. Like earning the Presidents Trophy but losing the Stanley Cup
00 Reply - 1 mo
I’d just like to say I care much more about companionship than sex.
00 Reply - u1 mo
that's why you shouldn't...
00 Reply - 1 mo
Men can't handle the transition
00 Reply 746 opinions shared on Dating topic. Because the guy is always trying to have sex
00 Reply- 1 mo
Girls want to settle down, sooner, than men do
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
Men are wimps
00 Reply
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