3 d

Had an argument about his little sister and he wants to break up?

his sister is adopted and is quite young, 13-14 years old and I understand that she is very young but the fact is that when i said hello or offered her goods like cake or cookies she would just say i hate this or that or just shows that she doesn’t want to sit next to me. each time iv met her behavior remained the same. i felt that the child was too stubborn.

so my partner texted me and told me its her birthday but i ignored his text and i felt triggered cause i know if i wish her a happy birthday she is just gonna say she hates me to my face or something

i didn’t even talk to him how i feel about it and i told please just dont talk to me anymore cause i feel he wouldn’t even consider it as anything.

its not that i want him to take my side but i just wanted him to kinda understand how it kinda makes me feel and how it looks when she behaved like that infront of everyone else.

he was kinda turned off by my blunt text and that i didn’t want to talk to him and he says lets break up but then asks what he did and how can he fix it etc etc

Had an argument about his little sister and he wants to break up?
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