An argument happened and he says he wants to break up?

his little sister was very rude to me and i get that she’s a kid like 13-14 years old but also a stubborn child too, she probably has some struggles with being adopted and everything but i just kinda like to avoid the whole thing you know.

so he came off telling me its her birthday, i got triggered and im like why is he telling me its her birthday or wants me to call her or something, i felt like it was just complicated situation and i felt like it was distasteful of him to even tell me its her birthday cause i feel that her attitude is just a little too complicated to deal with.

but i did somthing weird i block him on whatsapp and told him to take his bullcrap somewhere else and he said if i apologize then he won't break up with me but i strongly refused to apologize and asked him straight up forward that does he want to continue or not but now he kept on stalling on the answer and asking me what he did wrong etc and now neither of us are texting.

1 mo
she didn’t want to sit next to me or just says she hates me when i try give her goods like cake or cookies etc etc
An argument happened and he says he wants to break up?
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