I just went on a vacation with my boyfriend and at the end of it driving back home he all of a sudden brought up if him not believing in God was a good or bad thing. I told him it's not bad everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and he then asked if I did and why? I told him that yes I believed and that I believe because I've been through alott and it's helped me cope. He then said that God hasn't helped him at all I said ok. Then when we are almost home he overheard my tik tok talking about mellenials trying to buy houses and in the tik tok it said have you considered being a sugar baby to a old man. He said I should do that I told him no I'm not pretty enough for that. He said all I would have to do is give the old man a bj I said no. He said it's not like you are good at it anyways and I said I thought you said I was good at it all the other times. He then said "what is it do you want me to lie to you". I then sat quiet until we got home. It hurt my feelings
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