26 d

Would you feel comfortable with your S. O. hanging out with a “bad” friend?

I recently reunited with an old friend that’s moved back to our home town, she’s still all about the party life and sleeping around. I never go out with her to party but I have been spending a lot of time with her taking pilates classes, going out for brunch, meeting up for coffee, etc. I basically hang out with her 1-2x a week or at least we text pretty often. I don’t agree with her party life but I’m not going to stop her from it, I just remind her to stay safe.

My boyfriend on the other hand is very upset that I’ve been spending so much time with her. I don’t quite understand why because I’m only going out for pilates and brunch with her, I have zero interest in partying it up. I think he’s afraid that she might be a bad influence on me but the thing is, my boyfriend and I live together and I would never put myself in jeopardizing situations (by going out partying or even drinking with my friend). So I don’t see why my boyfriend would be upset and even low key calling me “easy”?

Would you feel comfortable with your S. O. hanging out with a “bad” friend?
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