You should initially be physically attracted
Let the physical attraction develop
Physical attraction isn't at all important
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Physical attraction CAN develop over time. So at first I wasn't sure which option to pick but then your question specifically mentions for dating and that changes the while context. For dating there is a goal - to potentially have a relationship. And for this yes physical attraction is an absolute.
In the other context of physical developing over time - that would happen before any dating was considered and only when attraction has formed is dating considered.
*** ok that's my answer. For those that don't like long posts you don't have to read the following. Actually I can even show you actual real text messages too.
Context - matched with a guy who wasn't stunning but physically I saw potential. We began texting and was super. We got on so well. Even started phone chatting. I got so excited. At last a guy who seemed perfect. Then.. the bomb. He told me he liked me so much he had to come clean. He was using fake pics. Damn catfish. He showed me his real pic and aww sadly nope. I would never be attracted. I let him down super gently. Advised he uses his real pics so if gets a connection like this it can move forward. Two days ago he messaged me.. he just doesn't get the lack of attraction thing..
Why people catfish is beyond me. The other is gonna find out who you really are eventually. No point to catfish!
@blackeagle007 exactly. You might get more matches but none can move off from online. And that really sucks if you really click with someone.
For some reason... many catfish hope that if you fall for their personality then the looks don't matter. But sassy it does. And not helped by also being exposed as a fraud.
Dating. Date anyone you like.
Love.. It doesn't work like that.
Our bodies tell us who a good match is through basic chemicals. Chemistry. We can't choose love.
If they are physically attractive you just lucked out. Otherwise it's probably a body you only want to hit and move on.
Is it possible to to feel more physically attracted to someone after you get to know them? Yes of course. It's also possible to find someone uglier after you get to know them. I'd say this is actually way more common. I can't tell you how many hot girls are disgusting to me now that I know who they are as people.
But, it would be absolutely foolish to think that there needs to be SOME degree of attraction for a relationship to go anywhere.
Now, some people will stay in relationships because they're ugly as fuck themselves and they both just settle because more attractive people won't even give them the chance to get to know them. But I guarantee you they would both rather the other be pretty
I have tried to (force myself) to date women who I didn’t feel very physically attracted to in the past. They were awesome women otherwise so I chastised myself to grow the f up and focus on what matters.
But this ended horribly. I ended up really breaking someone’s heart and I will never do that again
The problem is that course of action takes consistent mental effort. And as time goes it gets harder and harder. Especially if she has bitchy moments (like all women do).
Also I think women unfortunately are starting to get worse about judging just on looks as well. They are still not a visually stimulated as guys are. But our digitized culture is making them more picky about this as well.
Only once in my life did I get with a woman who was below my normal standards for looks but like you I thought, oh this isn't nice not to give her a chance. She ended up having a worse personality and being more of a B than the hot looking women I had been with so I said 'never again'. Glad I married a woman who was really hot to me.
It can develop over time, but usually you’re attracted to them from the beginning. And it can be disheartening for the other person if you’ve been dating for a couple months and the attraction just never develops.
Physical attraction is important without doubt.
Physical attraction is important, but in some cases it can develop.
It is a prerequisite, nobody wants to date ugly. Average or below average can become attractive over time if you spend time together via work, class, counseling. Because you have to be around them, most times we are in passing living our lives and ugliness is promptly avoided in all other situations
Both, I need to find her attractive. Lets say I find her a 7, she may become a 10 to me since my preferences adapt over time to who I am with as my associations change. But if I find her a 3 she won't become a 6 to me.
It should be there from the beginning.. it can grow over time but to really like someone deeply I think it has to be there from the beginning.
Well, entirely mine isn't gonna bring much for the future. There should at least be some physical attraction in my opinion
Physical attraction can definitely develop over time, but I felt instant mutual attraction to someone recently, which was mind blowing and it was way more intense and passionate, so I kind of like the latter.
Yes, physical attraction is necessary. In fact its mandatory. If when I first lay eyes on a woman, I don't get the urge to strip her naked and sexually dominate her, I'm not interested.
when you actually like someone, personality comes first
It can grow gradually, but if it doesn’t, there’s no point in continuing.
this should have been a womens only question. we're all men here and know the answer
Some physical attraction is needed, even if only one feature. Eye's, face. Something.
For most people the initial attraction trigger is the physycal appearance. Most people will not take things future if the intial attraction isn't there wether online or in person
Eyes are the prize first - then from there 👀👀👁️👁️🤳🏻🌆
Attraction is predicated on physical appearance for that is what both men and woman determine if they want to approach each other off of.
I care far more about the type of person she is than how physically attractive she is.
Physical attraction can definitely develop and can turn white hot.
I think it’s both probably spend enough time around each other perhaps feeling develop.
I believe for us men its most important, a pretty face is part of it.
There already was if I'm dating you.
Depends on his status.
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