asking for a friend and its a good question in general ngl
- 16 d
I've never had an online relationship but I did try a long distance relationship. When I moved from Tampa to Miami, him and I stayed in touch. A lot of phone calls, texting, an occasional weekend together but without constant physical contact, the passion (for lack of better word lol) slowly died and so did our love. I imagine an online relationship would kind of be the same. I'm sure if he seems eager to talk to her, is open with her and shares things with her and her with him, he can definitely develope genuine feelings but an online relationship can only go so far. I think, without physically spending time with each other, it will slowly fizzle out. It's nice to see you on here! ❤️
14 Reply- 16 d
At that age, I'm sure the feelings are genuine. I'm thinking someone isn't gonna devote their time and energy to another person if there isn't some type of connection. The question is, how long can you have feelings for someone you really can't physically be with? It's a good question. I guess things are different for teen's now than even back when I was a teen, which wasn't that long ago. Has she ever actually seen him?
- 15 d
I think that sounds alright tbh. If they can make it work and have feelings for each other, who is anyone to say.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 14 d
Well the only way you can know is with time. People on the internet can be terrifying in real life, they could be looking to scam you out of your money, or even rape and kill you. Or even if not that, they could be lying about their identity. So make sure you've known the person for at least a year, preferably more.
And make sure you get proof that they're really who they say they are. Send pictures. Do voice calls. Eventually, last step, video calls.
If you're all clear on all of that, known them for at least a year (and been consistently talking to them in that year) and proof that they are who they say they are (especially video calls), then you're pretty much good to go. With internet people you can never be too wary, but a year of knowing them plus video calls, you should be on the safe side.
00 Reply
2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Easy, communication. The way you know it's failing is when that communication becomes less, there is obvious reasons while one can't talk at times but when it becomes avoiding and bad reasons you know it's because they've lost it.
If they aren't really interested, to no surprise in sane cases they aren't going to bother wasting time.
I'm sure there is some insane ones out there who waste time talking to several girls on the go but I think most would see that as a pain and direct their time to more who matters right?
But like anything it's always down to personal judgement, even if it's not online plenty of people get cheated on so if a person really wants to lie they can. In reality there is no way you can do anything but use your own judgement.00 Reply
2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. There's no real way to tell in an online relationship bc you don't really get to know the person, it's just an illusion.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. I've had some online relationships and just like in real life I've never had an argument with anybody that I've had a relationship with online and only one or two in my real life relationships but it's all the person communicates to you is what the communication that you talk about does for you or tells you as they're saying it when you can feel their energy through the telephone a thousand miles away you can tell that it's real and it's genuine just like standing 20 feet away from somebody in real life and looking into their eyes you can tell you can feel it 20 ft 50 ft away
00 Reply2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. If it becomes more than just online talk, someone that really likes you , is going to want to talk to you on the phone or on video chat so the both of you can see and hear each other , they are going to invest a lot of their time into you to see you as soon as possible , if they aren’t doing that to you? then more than likely they are hiding something from you and just like catfishing you , because they are a fucking weirdo that needs psychiatric help
00 Reply- 17 d
If he's asking you questions not just letting you do all the talking, he seems to be paying attention and listening to things you say, his word match his actions (like he's not just lying about shit), he's not too pushy with sex stuff especially if you tell him to tone it down and he doesn't? thats bad, so if he respects your boundaries.
If you (or your friend i guess :P ) want to escalate it to another level maybe consider doing video chat? if he's interested thats a positive sign there.
00 Reply - 15 d
you won't know until there is genuine effort on each part to be together, more time together.
otherwise he may but you are guessing. actions speak loudly.
and that may require effort, not just being passive waiting... e. g. takes two to tango... but both have to show up and be willing to learn.
00 Reply - 15 d
Trying to define what I examine, for me or her, in any romance, online or offline. It looks like this:
- Do they spend more time together than reason dictates?
- Do they keep engaging with nothing consequential to say?
- Do they smile or laugh a tad too much?
- Do they want to solve issues, independently of their capacities to succeed?
- Finally, are all these reactions consistent over time?
00 Reply 412 opinions shared on Dating topic. No such thing as an “online relationship”
You can meet someone online yes.
But a relationship is only livable in person everything else is a coping mechanism and a social excuse to be able to claim not being single when in fact you are.00 Reply- 16 d
As someone who had experience at LDR: I stopped reading at "they're both teenagers"
Unless it's a very serious relationship, which is quite rare for teenagers.. meeting is not really possible.
01 Reply- 16 d
And you'll have to meet the other person first in order to see if they're genuine with you.
- 16 d
You don't. It's far too easy to feign it all online. When you're feeling irritated, it's easy to pretend to be busy and come back to continue the fake campaign to get into someone's pants or wallet or whatever the goal might be.
00 Reply - 17 d
The only why you can tell they do is if they are are making serious plans with you. Anything less than that is just games. I talked to lots of guys online most are just messing around even if they say they love you or talk everyday.
00 Reply - 16 d
What's an online relationship? You need to meet the person at a public place. Online relationships are a waste of time. Note: there are many many men and women whom are incarcerated and have an online relationship.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)17 d
Same way you tell she's a woman in an online relationship. You don't! This is why online relationships are typically nonsense. It's just a person filling a hole in their life with an illusion. So they're filling it with bull💩 essentially. I'm not saying an online relationship can't be real. But it's certainly not the norm.
00 Reply - 17 d
You don't. Don't let an online relationship run too long, if it's a dating app a week or so, they should be meeting up. Not talking online. And I don't even count FaceTime, you need to be in person with the person
00 Reply - 16 d
If he puts a real effort into making it possible to meet up in person.
11 Reply - 16 d
You don't and it is totally ignorant to even think you know with something as stupid as an ONLINE relationship.
00 Reply I think it’s very difficult to know from online only. Real relationships are built on in person activities.
00 Reply7.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. You cannot be sure. It is possible that he does but it is also possible he is a fake.
10 Reply- 15 d
Most Guys like girls…. start with that. If he continues to text you…. He likes you.
00 Reply - 16 d
You won't ever know until the two of you meet irl. People can be very different online than they are in person.
10 Reply - 16 d
There is no such thing unless you've met. If not, then all feelings are based on a fantasy!
00 Reply - 16 d
Um, just never assume anything is ever genuine online. Trust, but always verify in person.
00 Reply More than just digital chat.
Face to face or at least a voice or video chat is for sure a more useful way than simple texting.
00 Reply- 17 d
The genuine effort that they put into communicate with you and about different subjects, as I’m thinking,
00 Reply 2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Online relationships are just a fantasy. Everyone is on their best behavior. Until you meet, pass the smell test and spend 72 hours together, you don’t know where thing will land.
00 Reply- 14 d
It starts with texting then a phone call then multiple phone calls then in person
00 Reply 18.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Don’t have sex and if he hangs around and still wants to be with you for a long time than he’s a keeper
00 Reply- 16 d
In an online relationship, you are falling in love with your imagination and the character the person is pretending to be across the keyboard.
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)16 d
Listen to what they’re saying. See if the person sounds sincere or what they’re saying sounds believable.
00 Reply - 16 d
Online relationships are stupid, it's just getting your hopes up
00 Reply 585 opinions shared on Dating topic. Talking to him. Being straight up with him. That is the way to solve most of these things.
00 Reply- 16 d
I don’t really know. However if it was me I’d express how much I cared about the girl on social media.
00 Reply - 16 d
It’s not real until they meet and have the same connection in person
00 Reply 5.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. 8 billion people exist. You can have a real relationship irl.
00 Reply- 17 d
You will never know, except that time will tell but won't be 100% guaranteed!
00 Reply 13.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. That's why online relationships aren't real relationships because you never really know.
00 Reply- 15 d
You'll know by how he treats you. People can say anything actions don't lie
00 Reply Probably if they are willing to FaceTime regularly.
00 ReplyHi Lisia!
12 Replyu
17 dI'm not sure... never had one of those
00 Reply- 14 d
Pale women who are hot do it for me and healthy 💋
02 Reply- 14 d
- 17 d
Talks to you everyday
00 Reply 943 opinions shared on Dating topic. I don’t think you can if it’s online
00 Reply- 17 d
You need to meet up to figure that out.
00 Reply - 17 d
If he respect while chatting, he is wise person.
00 Reply 4.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Until you meet in person it isn't real
00 Reply- 16 d
He will send his dick picture to you.
00 Reply - 16 d
You don't
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)16 d
They don't. They're both immature.
00 Reply You don't.
00 ReplyHow are you dear
00 Reply
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