My crush NEVER texts first...I don't know if she likes me..

We're classmates, in my opinion she's the most beautiful girl in the world, I started talking to her in December, now it's almost July and I still love her.

We already spoke like 15 times on Facebook but she only texted me first once (happiest moment of my life haha).

I feel like I'm annoying when I talk to her...many times she holds the conversation well, especially when we talk about funny videos on YouTube, she keeps sending them which makes me sure she wants to keep talking.

But last time we spoke, she didn't answer my last message, which kinda pissed me off

I Haven't texted her for 2 weeks because I really feel like I'm annoying, and now I think she's mad, I even asked her anonymously if she likes any boy, she said "no".

I keep getting signs from her that I think that may be related to me, but what if they're for someone else and I'm just wasting my time? Like there was one day when I was with her and some more friends, and another girl hugged me. Later on the same day she liked a status on Facebook saying that the worst feeling in the world is to see the person you love with someone else. But I'm afraid this are just mixed signals, sometimes she does things that makes me forget this, like talking about "cute guys" with her friends, near me, and hugging one of my best friends (which is also her cousin, buteveryone says they are a couple :/ ) This makes me think that I'm nothing to her.

I also hate the fact that she keeps liking Facebook photos of other guys, and not me (she already liked the photos on Facebook of everyone I know, except me...) Today she even liked the photo of my best friend one minute after I logged on Facebook.

I keep thinking about her, all day, I only check Facebook to see what she does there, on school I always try to go to the places where she goes, but I don't talk to her much because I'm VERY shy, unless I have some friends with me.

I have no idea if she likes me or not, sometimes it looks like she does (my aunt posted a "<3" on my Facebook(she doesn't know she's my aunt, and when she logged on Facebook she posted a status saying that "men are all the same"), some other times it doesn't (which could possibly be mixed signals). But lets say likes me, then I'm sure that at the moment she's in the phase of "forgetting me".

What can I do? And what should I ask her, through chat or anonymously? (I can talk to her anonymously, she has a profile on I asked her once what does she like most in a boy (on the outside and the inside), she said that he must be good looking and very honest (she said honesty is the most important), however I'm insecure about my look too.

How can I talk to her? I never know what to talk about, so I just end up talking about boring things, like school.

How can I show to her that I love her, but without being too obvious? With subtelty

Why does she never text first?Could it be possible that she never texts me, even if she loved me?What if she doesn't text me first because she doesn't want to talk?
+1 y
Sorry if the English isn't the best, it's not my native language. And sorry if some parts aren't well structured, the initial text had over 6000 characters.
My crush NEVER texts first...I don't know if she likes me..
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