Why would a guy choose to just cuddle rather than have sex?

I met a guy in the military that doesn't live near me. When we met, he told me up front that he was deploying after the holidays and that we could keep in touch by email and he would let me know when he came back to the city I live in. We ended up texting and talking on the phone for the next month and I went to visit him for a few days before he deployed. The first night we were together was great and he even kissed me out at a bar, while at the same time insisting that he doesn't do PDA. We slept together for the first time that night and he told me I am the best kisser he's ever had and that I was one of the best lovers. The next day he intended to take me hiking, but it was really cold and kind of blizzard like, so we just ended up coming back down and touring downtown. We went to a museum and lunch and then he had an errand to run before going home. We had intended to make it a movie night, but he fell asleep after the first movie and I didn't have the heart to wake him up (he had just spent 2 virtually sleepless weeks to prepare for deployment). Early the next morning, he hugged me close and we cuddled for about 2 hours. We then had to get up and get going as I was flying out that morning. After we both got all ready, he asked if I wanted to cuddle for the last 30 minutes before I had to go to the airport (which of coarse I did). On the ride to the airport, we agreed to keep in contact and that we want to see each other again when he sets home in a few months. But at the airport he just gave me a big hug outside the car...no kiss goodbye.

Is it strange that he didn't want to have sex the morning I left, or that he fell asleep? I'm just as happy to cuddle without the sex, but I can't imagine a guy not wanting sex. A few days later he wished me a Merry Christmas through text because he had no reception. He also called me when I asked him to because I wanted to talk to him before he deployed--again though, sounding very tired. Nothing definite was decided other than we want to see each other again, but it seems like he likes me. Well, except that he preferred to just snuggle rather than have sex. Am I reading too much into this? Is he still interested, or does the lack of sex and a kiss goodbye mean he was pulling away?
Why would a guy choose to just cuddle rather than have sex?
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