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+1 y

Do you think abortion should be banned, why or why not?

I'm all for legal and safe abortion. 100%. Society & Politics

+1 y

Is taxation theft?

So how do people expect the country to run without any payments? Unless everyone wants to chip in to maintain society, taxes are important. Society & Politics

+1 y

Would you date someone who owns guns?

I can't see myself dating someone for a while, then dumping them immediately once I found out they had guns. But then again, there have been plenty of times when I should've dumped someone but I... Dating

+1 y

How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?

Okay personally, I wouldn't match with you because you don't seem approachable and friendly. Guys who take pictures of themselves shirtless in gyms usually come across as arrogant and that's a... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you think that men use more their left side brain than the right as women?

There is no such thing as a left or right brain working separately or holding certain personality traits (which is mainly found in the prefrontal cortex on both sides of the brain). So your... Other

+1 y

Is There An App You Hate But You Use It Anyway?

Facebook. I only hate it because it's the same shit, different day and it wastes my time, yet I can't get off it. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Is it strange to not take a single picture together with the person you’re dating?

My ex and I of 5 months never had a photo together, not even any taken by friends/family. It felt weird sometimes. If we didn't have a photo together, especially during some fun days out (you want... Dating

+1 y

Should you give money to homeless people? Why or why not?

If you have nowhere to live, you're stinking dirty, have no money, no family to support you and you have no way of printing off a CV, how on earth do you think they can just get a job? Even if... Society & Politics

+1 y

Would You Rather, Never Have Internet Access Again Or Never Be Allowed To Board An Airplane Again?

Never board a plane again. I don't go on holiday much anyway but I use internet every day. There are other modes of transport available after all. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Do you rather overthink, overfeel, overlove or overstress?

I feel like I feel less than I should but I do overstress, overthink and possibly overlove in relationships. Family & Friends

+1 y

Ever met someone years later and been horribly disappointed?

I don't understand how someone's changing appearance over many years would disappoint me tbh. Dating

+1 y

Do you agree that Ngoc Trinh should get a fine for her Cannes dress?

That dress is a bit OTT, but she has the confidence and the body to pull it off! Good on her. As someone else said, Vietnam is a communist country so although she may not be in Vietnam, she's... Society & Politics

+1 y

Summer employment, what jobs are you taking on this summer?

I should be moving into a new job soon, so I'll be training in that over the summer. Education & Career

+1 y

Do girls fall in love way too fast?

No, science says men fall in love faster than women. They say "I love you" a lot sooner than women do too. There is a lot of evidence that supports the notion that men fall in love faster:... Relationships

+1 y

How do you reject someone who's very delicate without hurting their feelings?

Remind yourself that you're not responsible for someone else's feelings and you shouldn't have to put up with someone just to protect them. You have to be selfish sometimes and stick up for your... Relationships

+1 y

Have you ever felt happier/felt relief after a break up?

Yeah, it was a relief. I had less stress (for a short time before things went downhill). Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Is it normal to get obsessed with a new boyfriend?

If you really love someone, they do take over your mind, but it dies down a little after a while. It's normal. :) Relationships

+1 y

a lot of people are saying that she looks depressed now but I can't see it, how can you tell?

I think she's troubled and has her own demons, but she's a teenager who's finding herself amongst the pressures of fame so that's bound to cause issues. I sometimes feel like she tries to appear... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Who do you think are more vain: attractive men or women?

Considering my boyfriend just sent me a pic of his arms, it further supports my argument that men are more vain haha! I think women who are vain try to keep it under wraps because it's viewed... Other

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