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+1 y

Is eating 3 waffles in the morning and chicken salad for dinner enough food for the day?

No. Add up the calories. You're going to need some healthier stuff in there as well; waffles and chicken salad is lacking nutritional value. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Guys, do you mind a little chubby belly on a girl?

I suppose a little is fine. A very little. Relationships

+1 y

How much weight could you carry the distance of a mile?

Wow, I have no idea... might be interesting to try. I lift and row all the time but I've never combined weights and cardio. If I only had to walk, I'm betting I could 20 or 25lbs, provided I'm... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Waited too long now she has a boyfriend?

Well, I think the more important question is: Do you really think this can work when your 4 hours away now? Or even more importantly, does SHE think it could work with that distance? Obviously, it... Dating

+1 y

Do you belive Charlie Sheen has AIDS?

Do I believe it? I think the better question is, "do I care?" And the answer, of course, is no. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Some fitness advice?

More weight, less reps for size; less weight, more reps for endurance. You need both. And by the way, sore is fine if you're still starting out but if you're lifting routinely, you shouldn't... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Weight loss and what should I do?

Forget diets. They're all temporary so in the long run, they're all useless. You have to change your eating habits for good if you want to lose weight, and that's that. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is 40% body fat bad for a 5 '10, 238 lb, 18 year old.. guy?

Yes. Your body fat percentage should be a lot lower and you shouldn't weigh anywhere near that much. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Tips for gaining weight?

Wait a few years. Everyone's metabolism, no matter how fast it is, slows down a lot as they get older. Trust me, you won't have any trouble gaining weight once you start approaching 30. If you... Health & Fitness

+1 y

My boyfriends credit card always declines, do I have a right to be mad?

Uh... if he's a psychologist, why can't he get work? Or do you mean he just has a psychology degree? I have one of those... it's borderline worthless unless you get an advanced degree to go with... Relationships

+1 y

Did some of you do the Insanity workout?

Yeah, I did it. It's fine. Bottom line is anything that causes you to break a sweat and keep a sustained high heart rate will work. There's no secret to this, I promise. :) Health & Fitness

+1 y

Will he think I'm slutty if I wear a short skirt on the first date?

Depends entirely on what you were planning to do on that date. The skirt on its own isn't slutty at all, though. Dating

+1 y

Anyone willing to help with a personal advice/plan on a healthy and nice weight loss and body improvement :D?

Diet tops the list. Eliminate things like soda, salty snacks and desserts during your weight loss regiment. For some people, ditching soda is huge because they drink a ton of it and don't realize... Health & Fitness

+1 y

I'm so angry! People keep calling me fat?

Your family is doing that? Not exactly nice or encouraging. Eh, the best way to deal with these people is to ignore them and when the results come due to your own drive and motivation, you'll... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Guys, would you rather be ripped or swole?

Uh... I'd rather look healthy and normal. Health & Fitness

+1 y

What do you think about this?

You certainly don't need a personal trainer. You just need the self-discipline to lose the weight. And 145 is certainly doable; at your height, I think the ideal weight is more along the lines... Health & Fitness

+1 y

I visited my family for Christmas, and my dad smells horrible. What might be wrong?

I'm sorry, I can't, but I'm willing to bet good money that it has to do with the combination of his weight, disease and medication. You need to contact a doctor and see what's what, though. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Peeps, when in the gym, do you lift first or start cardio?

I separate the days; cardio one day and lifting the next. I find it's much easier on your body and you get the same results (and each workout session isn't as long). :) Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do I make going to the gym a habit?

It's tough to do. Do you have the option of doing your workouts at home? That works for me for a number of reasons... I doubt I'd hit the gym as often as I work out at home. Health & Fitness

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