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+1 y

Does a break mean you can sleep with someone else?

No, not unless you explicitly tell each other that it's ok. A break implies you are still together, but resting the relationship. The rules still apply Dating

+1 y

What would you say if your girlfriend says 'Promise me you're not gonna sleep with any other women'?

hu kle. Once people start talking about sex not 'counting', they have left the rest of us and gone into their own world. I wouldn't take what he said very seriously.. he was just emoting or... Relationships

+1 y

Larry Nassar sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexual assault, thoughts?

Too. late to do anything about it now. The question is why he was allowed to abuse the girls for what must have been decades. Trending & News

+1 y

Should Men Open Car Doors For Women?

Women are too lacking in upper body strength to manage the heavy car doors themselves Society & Politics

+1 y

Are shy, quiet, introverted girls annoying?

How do shy and ‘bitchy’ coordinate? Your bro is just coming off getting too aggressive with someone shy Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why did he smack my butt?

Quite definitely likes your behind! Not sure about the rest of you.. maybe just teasing you. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why am I not excited about guys anymore? Should I go on more dates/try harder or should I just not date at all? Burned out?

I'd try a change of environment. The US is a shallow and selfish place from the Pres. on down... Travel, or at least change your routine pace as much as you can. For example, try someone from... Dating

+1 y

Would you be a reference model for nude art or photography?

I've never thought I'd need to put any conditions on being a model. What have I got to hide at that point? Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Is the #metoo movement out of control? what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Me too is a movement of Weinstein concubines who, naturally, get bitchy about non big shots coming near them and try to kick us where it hurts until they can get back in bed with another similar... Society & Politics

+1 y

What cartoon/anime characters have the same personality as you, or resembles you the most?

Like most female characters in anime, self-sacrificing and without evil intent.. Other

+1 y

Do men find women more attractive if they can cook?

Yes, it means they enjoy the simple pleasures of life. They aren't all corporate and calculating Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, what does it mean when a guy views your instagram story immediately?

I wouldn't read a lot into this.. depends how addicted they are to Instagram! Flirting

+1 y

Women’s march is this weekend, what is your opinion?

Mostly this comes from the US, and it's The March for Netanyahu,, ruled by the Democratic Party and other establishment women, other fanatics and opportunists, and generally women who either slept... Society & Politics

+1 y

Have you ever been gaslighted?

I didn’t know this had a name! Yes, I’ve seen this used by those with extreme media power, mostly by zionists Dating

+1 y

Do you think technology has made it easier or harder for teens to interact with the opposite sex?

It’s harder to have any REAL interaction with anyone not just the oppostie sex. At the same time, it opens possbilities for contact with every kind of exploiter or pervert out there!!! Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do guys find girls fighting each other so hot?

No, it’s just that it’s unusual to see girls fighting so naturally people are interested. Also, you see girls out of their ‘confort zone’ and normal behavior... something most guys don’t see that... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Trashy or edgy?

Edgy or just silly!!! Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Does the Oedipus complex, from a mother to her son exist?

You see this all the time. Now that families are not so warm and close to each other people move away.. you see less f it. But then women, especially, transfer it to the grandson. Relationships

+1 y

Do you believe that your freedom ends when others' freedom begins?

WE always have to negotiate our freedom with that of the other people around us and for that matter those in the rest of the world. We give up our freedom in part if we transgress on the... Society & Politics

+1 y

FLDS... How do they manage to come up with 3 or more wives for each male "church" member, when babies are born roughly 50/50 male/female?

Chuckle, as always only the Elders, the leaders had many wives. Ordinary church members in practice had only 1. Trending & News

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