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+1 y

The Media or Guys Are Not Responsible for Your Insecurity

I'm really not so sure that, wired in as people are now, the media doesn't play a BIG part in how we feel about our bodies! Teenage anorexics, where does that come from? It was very rare before... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Dear Autocorrect Please F*ck Off and Die

Chuckle. I've often fantasizes about hunting down whoever invented autocorrect. Other

+1 y

Dating: Muslim Style

No, I've known Indian girls who are now quite happy in marriages set up by their parents. It's preferable to our US pick up club scene, or online faking 'dating' Dating

+1 y

"Why Can't I Find a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?"

#1 is a bad reputation online. We usually don't know about this ourselves, but as you say, all it takes is one person with a grudge go systematicallly spead rumors, or repeat some actual mistake... Relationships

+1 y

Period Struggles: Ramadan Edition

We in the US never jer anything about women and Ramadan. Only abut professsional athletes who have to fast. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why I'm Not Politically "Correct"

I don't vote for either party and I pinch women who flirt with me so I'm disqualified from PC. PC is the religion of the elite media controllers. Society & Politics

+1 y

You Think We Don't Need Feminism Anymore? Have I Got the Rant For You...

Other countries have different situations but in the Western countries there is legal equality and feminism is mainly about corporate women playing political games to rise up the ladder. A lot... Society & Politics

+1 y

For All Those Heavy G@Gers Out There That Need to Lose Weight, Here Was My Journey

Great Take Red Thunder. Shows what can happen even without professional or faimily support. Health & Fitness

+1 y

How To Become a Pretentious Foodie

all you really need to do is learn the Italian words for sandwich and beef, and you're halfway there. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Be An Encouraging Force In the GaG Community

Thanks for reminding us that silly as Gag can be, it's also a unique outlet for people who might or have friends in the real world' they can turn to. I've been in situations where friends... G@G Community

+1 y

Top 8 Biggest Turn Offs for Men And Women!

You forgot being greedy and gold digging, the most common failing of women in the US... Other

+1 y

Lets Play Who Said It, Donald Trump or Ramsay Bolton?

i only missed #13, but I'm not surprised an entitled rich kid would have no respect for teachers unless they were also famous and wealthy. Society & Politics

+1 y

No, You Can't Check My Phone.

I get your point, but what about all the people who have been betrayed? It's only natural they would want the 'insurance' of being able to look at a potential partner's phone... no? And maybe... Relationships

+1 y

Things We Feel Guilty About But Still Do

What about rating people we see, chasing about them with our friends? Why should we feel guilty about that? Other

+1 y

Fun Things to do at Home When it's Cold ❄️

make some kind of snack together, or write a story together, everyone brainstorming to come up with ideas. Other

+1 y

20 Years of Beauty: Turkey!

Serenay--can't resist blue jeans. Though I have a weakness for all the 40 year olds... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Can We Stop Stereotyping and Thank Each Other? - Facts and Countries - Part 6

W should emphasize the positive sides of these cultures. For example, Italian girls have good taste in men. Society & Politics

+1 y

When All Your Friends Are Dating, And You're So Not

Good advice. Especially about accepting yourself. Look at the freedom you have, for example. Think of how you are free to meet all kinds of other people, while they are generally pretty restricted... Family & Friends

+1 y

The Danger of High Heels 🤔

The purpose of heels is mainly to show off your legs and display your behind. Why girls risk this damage just for that? Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How I Stop Stressing

Meditating is good for most problems. It relaxes you so you have deep sleep, REM sleep with vivid dreams you remember after you wake up. All the things you mention help also. I often workout... Health & Fitness

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