Period Struggles: Ramadan Edition

Period Struggles: Ramadan Edition

My conversation with mom~

Me: Mom, I'm getting late for class can you pack the breakfast for me? I'll eat it in the car.

Mom: You'll eat in front of the chauffeur?

Me: Yeah. If he asks anything I'll just tell him I have low blood pressure.

Mom: He's still gonna find it out.

Me: Exactly. So no use of hiding.

In my previous take, I mentioned that women on their periods aren't allowed to fast, but they have to cover up for the missed days once Ramadan is over. So it means on these days we're supposed to be eating like normal, but it just doesn't seem normal. Most of us love it, others like me actually hate it (I'll explain why).

Eating in daytime can be very awkward, embarrassing and guilty around people, because not all girls want people to know that it's that time of the month, or it's just plain rude to eat in front of fasting people despite being an exempt. Which is why, whether or not period is a taboo in the place where we live, it comes with its own struggles that are exclusive to this holy month for Muslim girls. It's sad to see it's not taken normally despite half of the Muslim population going through this. 💔

The Struggles

Eating... secretly

Period Struggles: Ramadan Edition

I remember when I used to sneak into the fridge/kitchen, take the food in my room and close the door before eating anything during my non-fasting days in Ramadan. I was once caught drinking water by my brother, and I had to pretend that it was an accident. How old were I? 12 maybe.

I'm glad I learned that there's nothing to be ashamed of as I grew up. Now I don't keep my meals a secret and nobody seems to mind it. I'm still told not to eat in front of others though. Judgmental people still exist who won't hesitate to conclude that I'm shameless, I don't care about them tho. Usually when I'm in class or hanging out, I excuse myself before taking a sip just because it's good to be polite. :) But usually I still eat/drink in a private place. Just how there's nothing to be ashamed about periods, there isn't anything to be loud about it either. Besides that I don't wanna drink water in front of fasting people who are thirsty themselves. In case they find me breaking my fast, I'm unapologetic.

Because of us girls hiding about it from boys so much, many boys don't know anything about it even in their 20's. Last year in Ramadan I was telling my ex that I was having lunch, expecting him to understand the rest by himself. He replied "I thought you never miss a day of fasting? Then why are you breaking your fast today?" I explained to him why I'm an exempt.

Irregular meals

Being the only one not fasting means being the only one eating regular meals. Think of this: When I'm fasting, I can at least eat two big meals: Iftar and Suhur. When I'm on my period, I usually don't get breakfast because I don't want to wake my mother up (because she cooked suhur last night), I skip lunch because I remain outside and I either don't join iftar or eat less in iftar time, mostly because my stomach is full with water. I don't eat much at night because I can't sleep well with a full stomach. :(

It could be anything you see, sometimes I have all regular meals properly, sometimes I only keep snacking on ice cream and chips. My father recommends me to wake up for suhur so that I won't have to worry about breakfast in morning, but I'm just too lazy.

Missing prayers

One day of period, one night of missed prayers. This is one reason why I actually wish my periods were shorter unlike other girls who would love to have period for the entire Ramadan. I have to make up the missed days of fasting anyway, but I won't get back those nights to pray Taraweeh anymore.

My parents said I can still do some stuff, like:

1) Listening to the Qur'an (because I can't recite/touch it during my menses).

2) Listening to Islamic lectures, reading hadith and other Islamic books and biography of prophets. (Or simply, expanding my Islamic knowledge.)

3) Cooking and serving iftar for people, even that pleases Allah. :)

4) Do Zikr, a kind of prayer performed to seek for Paradise in hereafter or repent for past sins from God. I personally like this the most.

Moral of the story, don't let something as natural as your menstrual cycle take your devotion to God and the spirit of Ramadan away from you. :)

But yeah, I have to admit I can't stop feeling misfortune if I have me period on THIS DAY...

Lailatul Qadr

It means "The Night of Decree" in Arabic. It is on Ramadan 27, and it's a very significant night because this was the date when the first verses of Holy Qur'an were revealed to our last prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

When I was small and begged my parents to allow me to fast, they said I can only fast on the 27th of Ramadan, because that is a special day and fasting on this day is equivalent to fasting the whole month. I happily agreed, fasted one day and told everyone in school that I fasted on all days. I was in grade 1. 😂

When I could not fast and pray on this day, I cried. Mom consoled me and advised me what prayers to do. I did what she said, to give my best on Lailatul Qadr.

The Perks

Period Struggles: Ramadan Edition

Do the struggles of being on your period in Ramadan outweigh its perks or is it the opposite? It honestly depends on the individual. For me the disadvantages definitely override the advantages, but it doesn't mean that it has no perks! In fact most girls love it. Some of the perks are...

1) I don't have to wake up for suhur, so I can get extra sleep.

2) I can drink water whenever I'm thirsty, since it's summer.

3) When mom cooks iftar, I help her to taste the food and tell her whether or not the amount of ingredients is perfect. This is the best perk, I feel useful. :)

4) This is actually one time when exam during periods do not suck. :p

5) That feeling of unity and acknowledgement from other girls who are also going through it is really empowering.

6) Most important of all, this month teaches me that only because excused from fasting, praying and reciting the Qur'an, doesn't mean I'm excused from devoting myself to God. I'm still supposed to perform other things that I totally can at any time of the month. This is a very spiritually empowering fact for us. :)

You could easily tell I don't enjoy my period in Ramadan much, right? :(

I hope this MyTake was interesting and you learned something new. Less than 10 days left for Ramadan to end (whoa! Time passes really fast indeed!) and I can't wait for Eid dayyyy ~I got a really fabulous dress for Eid woohoo~ oh but a few days before Eid I have my report card day too, imagine your report card day before Christmas, lol I'm tensed.

Period Struggles: Ramadan Edition
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