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+1 y

Why does he not follow me?

Do ou know him quite well? He sort of takes you for granted, but the other girls are new and unknown probably--he never met them face to face. So he spends more time getting to know them online. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Are those fitness girls on Instagram asses even real?

Pretty sure these are adult versions of Disney animated stories. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you want to learn a few Turkish words?

Sure. Tell us a few. Important things like, You are beautiful. Give me a kiss. Other

+1 y

Workaholic boyfriend terrified of intimacy, how do I deal?

Pretty complicated debut question Welcome to Girls-Guys! Relationships

+1 y

Is my best friend cheating on his girlfriend with me?

NOt to you, not to him. But it would to his girl friend. All about perception, and gossip!!! Relationships

+1 y

Would you go see a nude production of 'Hamlet'?

It wouldn't seem weird once you've been in nudist resorts or on nudist beaches. Though it would be harder to stage the sword fights. Nowhere to hide the fake blood! Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you think girls who wear headbands are cute?

Yes, they hold the hair back from the face and sort of frame your face with the band, as wit headgear in the Middle Ages. It's a throwback sort of 'look' these days... very much in style in Europe Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What do you think about Michelle Carter's guilty verdict?

Aye, I think this case was so hyped in the media that the result is illogical. You get less time than that for killing someone while driving drunk! Trending & News

+1 y

Do you think some women feel entitled to men's friendship?

Lots of spoiled girls out there. So many still have the princess complex and thick every guy should play up to them. OF course, mainly the ones from a wealthy background... but also the more... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

When's too early to tell someone you love them?

There's no time that is too early if you feel that way! Don't hesitate, or the perso may move on in life and then its too LATE// There are a lot more 'too lates'. Than there are 'too earlys.' Relationships

+1 y

Should I be offended that my boyfriend called me a bimbo whilst with a group of friends?

He should have seen or felt that you didn't take this joke very well, and stopped calling you that. He should have called you Ms. ____ instead once he realized that he and his friends had hit on... Dating

+1 y

Why do guys with serious girlfriends try to hook up with other women?

you must be not only physically attractive, but educated and grounded.. Take this as a compliment. Guys who are famous are used to girls saying yes, regardless of their marital status, so he... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do you ever just want to slap the stupid out of someone?

I like the last option... they don't know they are stupid. So slapping them would just be seen as hostility without any reason. They'd think you were crazy. Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you do when a guy won't stop messaging you?

She could block him, or just tell him to cut it out. Or Flirting

+1 y

Guys (and girls), do you find instagram models attractive or unattractive?

Maybe teen guys would like such models, but I find them too overdone, with not only makeup but obvious lip injections and the like, and airbrushing. It reminds me of Playboy magazine except that... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Would you send your crush a rose on valentines day?

Ach no, that's pretty 'cheesy' even for me... I might GIVE her one personally,, but send them? I'd be laughed at. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Guys, Do you "prefer" virgins or nonvirgins?

I think there are a lot of virgin guys on here!!! We older guys prefer a woman with experience. Maybe she can teach us something! Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Who's your favorite Latin American female pop singer?

I know Shakira best. since she's had a lot of publicity in the US. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Should I block my ex on whatsapp?

Is he childish, or is his new gf? It's normal to want a relationship with an ex, if your breakup was not too violent! His girlfriend should be able to accept it... Though I understand that... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

I enjoy going braless in public is this common?

If you have small ones it's not really a problem in most situations. With large ones, gee, you can't even look at the woman directly without staring, so I'd advise against it. Fashion & Beauty

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