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3 mo

Have you ever dropped your phone in the loo?

A long time ago. When Kyocera flip phones were still common. It was a TracFone burner anyways so I flushed it. Wasn't worth retrieving at that point. Girl's Behavior

3 mo

Wedding Decorations! Prefer hand made?

We did store bought, but curated. Marriage & Weddings

3 mo

If an evil racist did the following?

That sign would be considered unenforceable. In that situation since that restaurant provides "public accomodations" they could not refuse service based on race. They could call the police of... Society & Politics

4 mo

Is this true or false, if a man gets his woman roses 🌹🌹for valentines day he is cheating on her?

Well, I didn't get roses, and I haven't cheated, so... I guess my data points supports that theory? Valentine's Day

4 mo

Did you ever unblock someone on social media/whatsapp?

I've had someone unblock me just to stalk me on social media and later block me again. Other

4 mo

How often do you go to the carwash?

I got a subscription to a car wash near me. I get there maybe 3 times a month most of the year, but during spring melt and elm tree pollen and seed season I might get there 3 times a week. Other

4 mo

Rent problems, can I pay other ways?

Everyone has house rules for Monopoly. Hasboro doesn't always approve though... I imagine that might not keep the game short, but it should make it sweet! Other

4 mo

If a cop searches your vehicle, where are they supposed to put you while they're looking?

Had my car searched once. There was nothing to find. I was in the back seat of the squad while they did it. They managed to pour out the entire contents of a 200+ piece socket and screw bit set in... Society & Politics

4 mo

Do you think it's ever attractive for a man to wear really short shorts?

Short shorts are great. I go with 5.5" inseam most of the summer, and for swimwear even shorter. Wearing briefs keeps things decent. I enjoy seeing them on other men as well. Fashion & Beauty

4 mo

Starbucks or dunkin?

Starbucks for me, although I can manage with Dunkin if I have to. Food & Beverage

4 mo

Does anyone use silk pillows case?

Silk cased pillows never stay in one place. I prefer a modal/cotton blend. Bought a set of sheets on sale with that blend and have sought them out ever since. Fashion & Beauty

4 mo

Would you date a nudist?

As a nudist, if I wasn't already married I definitely would date other nudists. My wife wasn't when we started dating, but she's come around and joins me quite often. Dating

4 mo

How would you explain the slight differences in interpreting circumcision data?

It's a solution in search of a problem. It's so ingrained in American culture that people try to find reasons to justify it, even if the benefit is statistically insignificant or based on flawed... Health & Fitness

4 mo

At what age have you stopped asking your parents for money, stuff and essentials?

Around 19 after I was established outside the house in college. Now the most we ask for is help watching our son (but they practically beg to take him for the weekend, so I think its a symbiotic... Society & Politics

4 mo

Anyone else hitting the beach 🏝️ today?

While it is unseasonably warm here, its still only 37F (3C) so not quite beach weather. Hobbies & Leisure

4 mo

What do you disinfect your kids toys with?

Unless it fell in the toilet or something similar, we don't disinfect our son's toys. The last time I disinfected a toy it was a ball that my son tossed down the basement stairs and it landed in... Other

4 mo

Do you know how to change your automobile's oil?

Yeah, I know how to. I still take it to the shop out of convenience as I have a gravel driveway and its very inconvenient to change even in the summer. Add North Dakota winter weather into the mix... Other

4 mo

Why can't men learn to take care of their baby?

My wife and I split a lot of the caregiving for our son. I did most bathing, bedtime, bottle feeding if he wasn't breastfeeding, quite a bit of the diaper changing, I took him to clinic... Guy's Behavior

4 mo

Would you get this rug for your living room?

My son would have you believe that our floor looks like this on a regular basis. Shopping & Gifts

4 mo

Do you agree I am not an asshole for leaving a penny tip to a waitress that was a bitch?

You'd be less of an asshole for leaving no tip than a penny tip. In the tipped wage system we have, flawed as it is, I still believe even poor service deserves the bare minimum of a tip. The... Society & Politics

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