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+1 y

Should I go to Disney Land by myself?

i mean its totally up to you whatever is going to make you most happy Travel

+1 y

Do you believe that we are born evil?

depends on what you define as evil Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is being socially awkward a turn off?

Of course it is cuz you’re not being yourself people are awkward when they aren’t comfortable you can be a confident nerd who doesn’t fit into some girls view of what a guy should be Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What advice would you give the next person dating your ex?

why is it that guys usually have only nice things to say about their ex and girls only ever have crap to say Relationships

+1 y

Would you date a girl that drinks every weekend?

yea, i would date, but i wouldn't take her anymore seriously than she obviously takes herself Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How to reject a girl without hurting her feelings?

just say she's not right for you i particular Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How do messenger apps differ to regular texting (sms/mms)?

if you have an unlimited plan it doesn't matter much at all but considering not everyone you text with has one it could be helpful. other things to consider are the fact that if you allow apps to... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do guys go for the "mean" girl more than actual decent girls?

more excitement is purely all there is to it. the decent girl is the mature choice and guys mature more slowly. Dating

+1 y

Nike vs Adidas: Which brand do you prefer and why?

Adidas has a big more swag to it in my opinion but I love nike. The founder has a good book you should Check out Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why are girls so selective in dating?

i disagree with the premise. women are not selective about dating just some are selective about sex Dating

+1 y

Why do girls choose their boyfriends over friends?

It’s more fun , don’t be sad you don’t have one Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is Constant Texting Good or Bad for a Relationship?

i vote good. you have to ask yourself why be in ai relationship versus a constant hook up. part of it is companionship Relationships

+1 y

Guys taking shirts off in gym, acceptable or douchey?

lol I would give major props to a fat guy who was willing to go shirtless at the gym if you think about it he’s gonna get overheated before the six pack dude is Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do good looking people know they're attractive?

Well look at it this way. Do people generally agree who’s good looking ,? Yes so then most people probably have a pretty accurate perception of whether people in theiR area find them good looking... Dating

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