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9 mo

Who do you think is more attractive, masculine or feminine woman?

In these confusing times, folks keep confusing being male with being masculine. And being female with being feminine. You can have a really feminine male. . . and a very masculine female. That... Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Is it weird to think of fictional characters as heroes of yours? Also do you have any of your own you like?

But that is the goal of some fantasy and sci-fi. To give people hope that we could become better. Entertainment & Arts

9 mo

Is capitalism in the US causing inequality? And is it ultimately unsustainable?

Why do people blame the system? When you have rich, powerful, unethical people running things any system will fail. The problem is why do we keep electing people who are rich, unethical, and... Society & Politics

9 mo

Jimmy Dore exposes vaccine lies! Your thoughts?

Dude, after all these years you are still here posting youtube videos over vaccines. Wow. . . Society & Politics

9 mo

Is it a red flag if the guy I'm dating only follows hot girls on Instagram?

Of course not. The real issue you should concern yourself with is how does he treat you. Dating

9 mo

Do you think the Democrat's are cheating in the elections?

You can think anything you want. In a court of law, you have to have proof. Society & Politics

9 mo

Why are black people referred to as "colored people"?

The term people of color came from the need to classify non-"Whiteness". Race basically function as a way of dividing humanity into two groups, "Whites" and non-"Whiteness". It wasn't meant to... Society & Politics

9 mo

Which is the best theory on how the universe began?

If you are looking for factual evidence, there isn't any. It is all about what you believe. Technology & Internet

9 mo

Why do men chase women that don't want them?

Dude, I don't know about chasing lesbians. But men like a challenge. Especially men who are good at getting women. Guy's Behavior

9 mo

What are physically unattractive men supposed to do if women don't find them attractive?

I am a physically unattractive man. And I can't remember the last time a woman told me I was good looking. But I have never had an issue dating. Dating

9 mo

Do very attractive women have it so easy?

Not to most of the guys they are dating. Halle Berry and Heidi Klum have always been considered the most beautiful women of their generation, yet they both have been screwed over and cheated on. Dating

9 mo

Should blacks marry blacks and whites marry whites?

It isn't just that it is racist. It doesn't even make any sense. Consider this. . . what makes a "White" person "White"? And what makes a "Black" person "Black"? And if the definitions are... Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

What do you think of Joy Behar?

I think she is pretty annoying. And I don't remember her ever being funny. Society & Politics

9 mo

What do you think of this model democrat housing project?

Nothing is more boring than a trumper whining about problems he has no solutions for. Society & Politics

9 mo

Am I wrong to be fatphobic?

As long as people can have a phobia against you, who cares? Health & Fitness

9 mo

What would You think of a White kid adopted by a Black family?

Cross cultural adoption might frowned upon by many people. But if there is no one to adopt these children, their argument is garbage. We all know that kids in families have an advantage over kids... Family & Friends

10 mo

Do you think AI will become sentient and dominate, enslave or wipeout humanity?

How many doom and gloom threads on AI can we have? Besides, wouldn't AI figure out how to run this planet better than we did anyway? Entertainment & Arts

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