Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler


Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

It's me again. The insecure, awkward homeschooler. I recently wrote a myTake explaining the basic types of homeschoolers. This myTake however will be focused on the homeschool parents, so if you are a homeschool parent... be aware that you may be offended. As always, these are my views and not necessarily the views of other homeschoolers.


For those of you who don't know, homeschool parents are an odd bunch. Here's a video that will give you an idea of what I mean.

Now you may be thinking that these are just stereotypes, but I assure you that these are pretty accurate. My own mother for example (sorry mom!) is pretty much a combination of all these types of homeschool moms. There's just no other way to say it... they're just... odd. It's not even just the moms, the entire homeschool-parenting system is way out of whack.

-----------------------Some things are just..."wrong"--------------------------

To the homeschool parent, somethings are just unacceptable in your house. This includes movies, video games and even books! You may be thinking, "so what?" I mean obviously every parent has their rules. But I'm not even talking about bad movies/video games/books. I briefly touched on this in my last post. In my family this was the spawn of the devil.

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

as was this...

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler


Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

and lastly... the one that affected me the most growing up...

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

No superheroes!!!! This was huge in my family. If I was invited to a friend's house, they better not be showing me a superhero movie. It was completely odd and I never quite figured it out because...

---------------Homeschool Parents have Double Standards----------------

When I first took interest in Marvel and DC, I was about 13 years old. I really wanted to see the movies but the only thing I ever heard about it from my mom was "We don't watch those". Why? I never got an answer. Eventually I figured it must be because of the violence... but wait, that couldn't be it because my parents let me watch the Hunger Games.

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

Was it the sexual content that I was told these movies possessed? Yeah, I guess that must be it... but they let me watch Forrest Gump...

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

of course it was the umm... "edited" version (my mother with the tv remote :P ).

Even other movies with bad language, or sexual innuendos were somehow labeled as ok. Besides double standards when it comes to movies...

----------Homeschool Parents have Weird Standards Overall------------

The reason Happy Feet was seen as "evil" by my parents was because the shrimp

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

Do they look gay to you? Gay Shrimp...?

Along those same lines, when the new live-action Beauty and Beast came out, my parents forbid me from seeing it because there was a "questioning" character in it...and because of this they're decided to boycott Disney? Do they honestly think Disney gives a shit? I don't know what goes on in their minds. A few weeks ago I mentioned taking a group of friends to Disney World when I graduate just because we never got to go as children, and then I had to listen to a 20 min lecture on how Disney supports homosexuals. Honestly, I don't care what Disney supports. I don't care if you're a guy and you like dick. It doesn't matter to me. It's your life, not mine. Another weird standard my parents had was no mention of evolution. Evolution of any kind was forbidden in their household. Remember The Good Dinosaur? Not-so-good in their house. In their minds, I guess dinosaur = evolution? Apparently I wasn't even allowed to know what other people believe. I honestly find it completely confusing to this day. Nothing... I repeat NOTHING they did while I grew up really makes sense.

-----------------------------I had NO "Sex-ED" Class------------------------------

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler

I guess you could consider me one of the lucky ones (homeschoolers). I had the opportunity to play sports at a local middle school and the public school kids took me in and showed me the "ropes." For a while, they were my sex-ED class. They understood that I was an ignorant, sheltered homeschooler but they taught me what I never learned: Sex. No I didn't go bang anyone, but they helped me understand what it was. My parents never had "the talk" with me. Since most of you are probably public schoolers, you underestimate the importance of said talk. Because homeschoolers don't have a sex-ED class, we NEED the talk. Hearing it from parents would've been so much better than hearing it from pubescent boys. I had a friend who was homeschooled that didn't know what sex was until she was 15. I on the other hand, was lucky enough to have my public school friends in my life to enlighten me. Another interesting thing is that my mother was SHOCKED to find out that I knew what sexual attraction was when I was 13. I was shocked to learn that my mother had convinced herself that I didn't know what it was.


So this was more-or-less a rant about my parents' weird "parenting skills" but don't think other homeschool parents aren't the same way. I know several families with these weird standards. I look forward to writing more myTakes about my homeschool experience... but until then have a good night/day/afternoon/whatever else the case may be!

Part 2 - Confessions from a Homeschooler
1 Opinion