You can't expect this country to birth great leaders when the school system isn't

Prince Eas I Sued The School System - Youtube
Prince Ea's I Sued The School System - Youtube

As George Carlin once said, "Garbage in, garbage out". We force children to go to school every day to learn subjects that they won't directly apply to their lives (mainly in Highschool) which isn't to say that all of American schools' learning material is useless, it's just most of it is. We aren't taught how to speak in crowds, how to get a job, how to pay taxes, how to manage money, how to buy a house, how to open a bank account, how to write a resume, how to pay a mortgage, how to drive (at least for free) and more, and if we are taught it isn't primarily focused on.

Putting that fact aside, the way school conveys information makes it so that most students will forget the course material within a few days. A study (cited below) showed that students on average forget 95% of everything their taught within literally 3 days. We need to stop stressing kids out because we can teach them better than that, and we should. Students have been committing suicide more than any other time in history for a reason (nbc26 news article- Suicide is the second most common cause of death among college students).

A solution to this is to let students choose what classes they want to take (For example: if they're interested in cars let them go to an automotive based school on their own volition), so they could branch out to whatever career they want. That way, you aren't wasting their time, or their potential.


  • › articles › high-school › Students forget 95% of what they learn in high school after 3 days. Here's how to help them study - Written by: Jimmy Li
  • Youtube: I SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM (2021) - Prince Ea

#school #education #society

You can't expect this country to birth great leaders when the school system isn't
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