Should I report her to the supervisor or let it be?

So I went to a client's home for a meet and greet. A nurse was already there covering the shift. Anyways the client has a wound vac that needed to be changed. Mind you I wasn't on the clock just there to meet the client. The nurse there said ," um do you know how to do a wound vac." I said , "yeah". Then she said ," um can you measure this wound for me. Can you cut the foam for me and do the wound". Basically, I helped measure it after that I said , " I measured now it's your job to do the rest". I watched as I was leaving and she didn't know what she was doing at all. If you don't do the wound vac correctly it will damage the patients good skin and the wound will not heal.

Should I report to my supervisor or will I seem like I'm just snitching on the job?

I feel like if you don't know the skill why lie and injure a patient. Let the supervisor know you can't do it.
Should I report her to the supervisor or let it be?
I would report her because if she doesn't know what she's doing she's going to injure other patients
I would just stay quiet about it
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I reported her. Just like she lied to work office saying she knew the skill she lied to me when I was there. That's why I stopped helping her and left
Should I report her to the supervisor or let it be?
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