Is this a good way to express love?


It is one of the most legendary sporting events. Muhammad Ali laid on the ropes and let himself be beaten the entire match by Foreman, who was known for his knockout power, because of which people were scared for Ali's life. Ali lasted the whole match until Foreman got tired and went down after a few punches from Muhammad. Ali never inspired me in anything. However, we are both alike. Imagine me in the ring in the same situation. I would lay on the ropes. I would have to find the mental strength to hang in there. Imagine if I did that for you. I would find that strength in you. You have friends and loved ones. However, I do not believe that any of them would have the stamina to stay there for the whole matchbcs you dont create as much emotions in any of them like in myself bcs im HSP (highly sensitive person). We have stronger emotions. My feelings for you would keep me there. My body would say no. But my heart wouldn't stop bcs of you. No one would stay there any longer. Already in 2019, I was going through a more difficult situation than Ali and I made it. I was suffering mentally more than all raped and tortured people with PTSD. Im openly cocky. I created many accounts. But does that im crazy bcs Muhammad Ali was the same as myself.

I want to express love this way. Excuse my English. What would u change? Would u comprehend

Is this a good way to express love?
1 Opinion