Do you believe you have a job that aligns with your potential?

We often hear about "unemployment" probably more so than "underemployment".

Let's say a guy is an experienced software engineer. He gets laid off, and due to the competitiveness of the job market, he struggles to land a new role in his profession. Therefore, he has to pick up a role as a stocker at a grocery store to make some income in the meantime, because, after all, some income is better than none.

Or, there is a woman who graduated from a university with a bachelor's degree in graphic design. She is unable to land a career despite submitting hundreds of applications and having internship experience. Therefore, she has to continue her day job as a waitress until she is able to get her foot in the door.

These are some examples of "underemployment". Sometimes, taking a job below one's skill level is a choice, often times it is not.

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Do you believe you have a job that aligns with your potential?
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