As a matter of fact, I left the job. Till this day, I've been thinking to take revenge on them by securing the best and better job than my previous designation. You may get me wrong but I could never forget and forgive them. I still cry to this day and may well take this to grave if I could. They did me so wrong, even made my life hell till the last working day and kind of pressured me to leave the job. I cried everyday after I returned home during those days. I was naive at that time as it was my first job but they took advantage of my kindness and walked all over me. This incident traumatized me and shaken me to the core that I felt scared and anxious about my next job. I'm still giving exams and interviews to get a decent job. Please help me out guys, I have no confidence left in me.
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What Girls & Guys Said
You left the job, I wouldn’t let it be your problem anymore
Ooooooh you had one of those really gruff situations. The boss favored the nasty people towards you. Yeah, those are really rough, and a lot of people will go through that, especially if it's one of your first jobs. And they do that to you because they know you're very new on the scene and will stand by and take it because you don't want to lose your job. And the boss favors them over you because they either agree with them, or are scared to tell them to stop harassing you. Do not be fooled: many times the employees control the bosses, not the other way around. People in the workplace are the absolute scum of the earth, worse than high school.
I'm really sorry you went through that and I know how badly it hurts from having a first job like that too when I was young, but you are gone from there now, so leave them in the past. There's no point in trying to get revenge on them, if you do you will only show them that they really did get under your skin, and that will just make them happy. The best thing to do is take what you learned from that experience and know what to look out for on your future jobs.