12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies

I know fictional movies are meant to be fictional and things aren't meant to match up as they do in reality, but there are just moments in movies that bug me because of the reality of what they are doing or how it's being done.

1. When the driver in a movie is going along and they turn to talk to the passenger, literally turn around or fully to the side to talk to them for such a long extended period of time that there is no way they didn't hit at least one kid crossing the street. In reality we know that they aren't actually driving, they are being pulled on a trailer or on green screen, which is why they can do this, but its rarely corrected to make the driving scenes look real to the point of ridiculousness.

2. Conversely for the same reason as actors being on a trailer/green screen while driving, whenever people in movies are trying to drive, they turn the wheel back and forth from side to side. In reality, that would mean that person was weaving dangerously across a road. The scene above has the drivers both turning the wheel fully, and yet the car or fake one, does not even move.

3. The cars you see in a movie on the streets they pass tend to all be new and all clean and polished because they've been rented as such, but even in ritzy neighborhoods, there are always one or two dented up beaters and cars sitting on streets tend to be dirty from the weather.

12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies

4. Food is rarely eaten at the big family meal scene. You just see a bunch of actors pushing around the food on the plate because it's been sitting there all day and most of it isn't actually edible, but made to look camera ready. It would just be incredibly weird at a huge meal like a Christmas dinner to not see anyone actually eating anything.

5. AHHHHHHHHH! When someone is in the big fight in a restaurant scene, and they get up and they are yelling and screaming and getting loud, and NO one in the restaurant turns or says anything. The manager or staff don't come over to kick them out, no one pulls out a cell phone to record it, nothing. The rest of the crowd always just sits there as if its normal or acceptable for someone to just be screaming in front of them or next to or behind their table and they have no reaction.

6. Whenever a major city is attacked---aliens, ancient reptiles, machines, zombies, what have you, first of all, if the attack comes from space, NASA and the literally hundreds of thousands of civilians who watch the skies daily and nightly, never seem to be alert or alert enough to the attack happening even if the space crafts or aliens are slow moving and don't just appear out of thin air. It's always like the one guy in some trailer that's like, did you see this thing coming? Then its the fact that the aliens or whatever just attack and attack and military jets are rarely scrambled, police don't seem to arrive or arrive in the force something like that would garner, and in sequels the cities are all restored seemingly the same exact way they were before which is impossible.

12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies

7. Add to 6, the same cities are always attacked...London, Chicago, Paris, Tokyo, Washington, New York and San Fransisco.

12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies

8. If a movie is set in Ancient Rome, why isn't anyone actually speaking Latin or Greek, but rather they have an English accent and are speaking English? English wasn't even spoken in ancient Rome. And same thing, if we're in Egypt, today, or three centuries ago, why is everyone in the movies white and or speaking in an English accent, despite the more historical movies dealing with Ancient Africa, not yet colonized, or in modern times the percentage of non-Native Egyptians being only about 0.4% of the population. Everyone likes to say what's the big deal, but let's make an Old English film in London about London using say all Koreans speaking Korean. Yeah, we know, doesn't make sense because Koreans didn't exist in merry old England.

9. The point in movies where someone breaks out in either song or dance, and everyone knows the song, or the dance, joins in, and knows how to do it or sing it perfectly.

10. Movies where the characters have just had wild crazy sex, and they wake up the next morning or are shown right afterwards...her make-up is still perfect like it's her wedding day, and neither of their hairstyles are messy or sweaty or tousled. It doesn't even have to be a scene with sex, just waking up in the morning...you've got a head full of perfect curls and make-up on? Really?

12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies

11. When someone in a movie gets slapped hard across the face...they fly across the room. When does that ever happen? They may recoil in real life, but fly across the room? And then there are punches...I get it if we're talking about superheroes or people who in the movie clearly have fighting skills, but when a random person punches someone, the other person always goes down and is knocked unconscious. Yes, random people with no fighting skills could get lucky and land a K.O. punch, but 12 bad guys in a row...and they ALL go down helpless. And it's not just punches, its kicks too. Like one guy will get kicked in his side and he's out and can't fight back, and he's gurgling on the floor. Realistically, those blows would probably hurt, some more than others, but fueled by adrenaline, the other person would at least be able to land a few more punches/kicks on their adversary.

12. You bought a house no one wanted or you're in a hotel. Soon you find out it's haunted. The spirits and ghosts have most likely killed your dog, hurt your child, and are now coming after you. In your brilliant mind, you decide, you're going to stay in said house, no matter what. The fire, all the windows breaking, you finding out about the 22 murders there, blood on the mirrors, finding more dead animals, your kid disappearing into the closet...nothing about that says, it's time to leave??? Like honestly, what does it take?

12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies

12 Things That Annoy Me About Movies
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