Video Games Have Lost Their Charm...


What charms me, for example, could be completely different from what charms my next door neighbor. Still, it’s hard to ignore the idea that games have shifted their focus from steak to sizzle.

For all of the advancements in technology, there’s one thing that many current games seem to be missing. It can be hard to place what that is because gaming, much like other forms of entertainment, is completely subjective

Video games have lost it's charm or is it just me

I remember the way my house smelled like Yankee candles. I remember my hands trembling from the faux-adrenaline I felt. I also recall it feeling like an actual achievement. Like I had REALLY done something. In hindsight, feeling that much pride about a game may have hinted I was a major nerd more than anything else, yet I find myself playing and beating games to this day, and rarely getting that feeling anymore.

Video Games Have Lost Their Charm...

The games look great, and many play great, too, but it just feels more cold and less personal. Though technologically speaking, games have never looked, sounded, or played better, it all comes at a cost. It is the same feeling you get when you go from watching a movie like Goonies to watching a movie like the most recent Transformers. It feels dead inside in comparison. It may be shinier, it may be faster and louder, but it is vapid. It is empty. It has no soul. As big and impressive as it may seem, it all feels like shine and no substance. And it is for that reason that I feel like gaming, as whole, has lost some of its magic.

Video Games Have Lost Their Charm...

I’ve come to find out that more factored into that conclusion than just the games themselves. Seems I am not aging as gracefully as I would like to think, and gaming held me up a mirror and showed that to me, whether I was ready for it or not

Video Games Have Lost Their Charm...
54 Opinion