7 reasons you should watch farscape

7 reasons you should watch farscape

Farscape is like the Anti-Star Trek, the villains are the clean cut military types, the heroes are for a former member of the evil military, an astronaut flung into the far reaches of the galaxy, a psychic plant person criminal, a honorable warrior criminal, a former caligula type emperor criminal alien, a hedonistic anarchist alien criminal (seeing a theme here), and on occasion a psychopomp who is also guess what? a Criminal. So while the heroes are at best a little insane or a little shady, the villains are racist, militaristic, clean cut and thoroughly vile.

1. The Jim Henson Company made it.

7 reasons you should watch farscape

The Jim Henson Company made it, the reason Star Trek has humans with shit glued on their heads while Farscape has aliens who do look the part.

2. If you liked Guardians of the Galaxy, this show is basically Guardians of the Galaxy the tv show before Guardians of the Galaxy was a thing.

7 reasons you should watch farscape

and this isn't a dig at Guardians of the Galaxy, I fucking love those movies, and the fact that they are so like Farscape is okay with me.

3. It might satisfy the firefly fix

7 reasons you should watch farscape

Its got criminal protagonists who live on a spaceship and are on the raggedy edge, its one of the only shows that has ever been able to satisfy that itch besides firefly.

4. The Action

7 reasons you should watch farscape

Its got plenty of action.

5. The Humor

7 reasons you should watch farscape

Its got plenty of humor and lots of it dark as hell.

6. The Characters

7 reasons you should watch farscape

The characters are all unique, they've got their own quirks, personalities, character arcs, and they are all suitably weird.

7. The Villains

7 reasons you should watch farscape

In the one shots you have things like an evil sorcerer vampire who feeds on the psychic energy of a person, space pirates, beserkers who wear laser gauntlets and inject a person with drugs, and other good weird stuff. You also have evil militaristic commanders who chase the protagonist through the far reaches of the galaxy.

7 reasons you should watch farscape
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