Stephen Reviews: Disenchantment

Stephen Reviews: Disenchantment

I first asked about this show a few days ago stating did Matt Groening really need another show. Upon rewatching the series I found out it is really quite clever and good.

The series is set in the Dark Ages in the land of Dreamland. Princess Tiabeanie (Bean) is about to be hitched in an arranged marriage to the prince of a close ally. She then becomes buddies with a demon named Luci and a jolly elf named Elfo. The trio go on misadventures and explore the world around them.

This show has all the clever plays on words and humor like in The Simpsons and Futurama. However, it is a tad bit edgier and long running since it's on Netflix where there are no commercials.

I give the show a 4 out of 5. It's really clever and smart. The only downside is the episodes sometimes run a little over 30 minutes. However this is not a huge deal. I would recommend watching this If you like Medieval history or adult animated comedies



Stephen Reviews: Disenchantment
8 Opinion