Does anyone else think Star Wars is boring?

So with the new Star Wars coming out in the US today I decided to go ahead and ask the question that's been bugging me. Is Star Wars boring? I mean I grew up surrounded by it. The cartoon series the light sabers toys. I grew up with it all but I never sat down to watch all the movies until recently. Before then the only movie I'd seen was The Phantom Menace and seeing how much that movie got shat on I thought I was in for a treat. Don't get me wrong I understand it's dated and you can't compare it to modern day movies but I've watched 2001 a space odessey and that movie still holds up in my opinion. But Star Wars was just boring to me. Am I missing something? Is there some explanation of the plot that makes it more interesting?
Yes Star Wars is boring
No Star Wars is forever great
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Does anyone else think Star Wars is boring?
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