Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer?

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved video games. My uncle would have me in his room to watch him play his game systems and whenever he played racing games, Resident Evil, Half-Life or Silent Hill I got so excited. He often let me play and guided me, and I used to react to jump scares, but then I got used to them and got better and better.

My parents would buy me a game system or handheld every Christmas and I kept all my games from childhood alongside things I bought myself. I dread the idea of trading them in. It's bad enough my parents pawned a few of my games (from the last photo) 2-3 years ago -_- I just want to maintain & build my shelf and play games for enjoyment. I only recently last yr got into the whole competitive thing and aiming for trophies.

I'm a Nintendo / Mario (actually Luigi shh) hoe so I'm dying internally at the fact that I'd have to purchase the Switch for Odyssey. Also love some of the Persona games so much. I have P3P, P3FES, P4 and now P5 that I haven't finished yet. Only PC games I play currently are visual novels / RPGs, the Sims 2 & 3 (ew to 4 sry) and a bunch of expansion/stuff packs. I really want to physically have the older vers of SH and RE that I borrowed from my uncle, and Homecoming + RE 5 that were pawned. RE6 isn't that great tbh.

There's a shit-ton of stuff I need / want, but I'm not getting new games anytime soon bc I never have the time to play & finish what I haven't bc school anddd I'm pretty broke here LOL.

A lot of people consider the games I love and have rn to be lame lmao, but idrc. What do you think?
Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer??
Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer??
Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer??
Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer??
Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer??
Am I lame for the video games I like / the fact that I don't consider myself a gamer?
Post Opinion