2.4K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Well, there's probably quite a few and many people around my age can sing entire theme songs.
For instance, The Beverly Hillbillies or, especially, Green Acres. I am writing the entire lyrics to the Green Acres theme from memory.
(Oliver singing)
Green Acres is the place to be
Farm livin' is the life for me
Land spreadin' out so far and wide,
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.
(Lisa, his wife singing)
New York is where I'd rather stay.
I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view.
Darling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue.
The chores!
The stores!
Fresh air!(Lisa)
Times Square!
You are my wife
Goodbye, city life
Green Acres, we are there!Now, here is the opening sequence. Tell me if I am right.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/WYLuKOvXdQsHere's The Beverly Hillbillies, also done from memory...
Come and listen to my story about man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed.
And then one day, he was shootin' at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.
Oil, that is
Black gold
Texas Tea
Well, the next thing you know, old Jed's a millionaire
Kinfolk said "Jed, move away from there!"
Said "California is the place you oughta be!"
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.
Hills, that is.
Swimming pools
Movie stars.
Then a voice loudly said
"The Beverly Hillbillies"The Beverly Hillbillies also had a closing theme done to the same music...
Well now it's time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin
They would like to thank you folks for kindly droppin' in.
You're all invited next week to this locality
To have a heapin' helpin' of their hospitality.
Hillbilly, that is
Set a spell
Take yer shoes off
Y'all come back now, (ya) hear?Any American older than 55 will know these 3 songs by heart and can sing them word-for-word.
Another popular theme of the time was to "Hawaii Five-O".
https://www.youtube.com/embed/CpxJsy8nfjASo was "The Wild Wild West" which had fantastic bumpers...
As you watch this intro, notice the 4 corner panels in the animation.
During each 1-hour episode, a still of the last moment before commercial would transformed into a cartoon graphic and placed into one of the 4 corners. So, with 4 commercial breaks (15-min, 30-min, 45-min, end of the episode), the corners would all be filled with stills. Sadly, I can't find a video illustrating what I mean but if you saw an episode, you'd understand.And, of course, there's Mission: Impossible... The music, not just the theme, was so good for that show...
https://www.youtube.com/embed/pz7Y-0cY1zUhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/ZNIHzrTh4-II often hum the first bars of "The Plot" whenever we have to get serious and get down to business with some task we need to do.
Personally, I am not sure what my favorite TV show theme song is. Part of me says "All In The Family" and it always does make me smile because that show was a big part of my growing up.
I love the music of "Star Trek", but I never cared for the actual theme song. The in-episode music and musical clues are a priceless part of the production and, as I have gotten older, I've realized how important they were to the production - the storytelling, the evoking of emotions, etc.
For instance, watch this: the final moments of the Star Trek episode "The Menagerie", the only 2-part episode of the series. Watch and listen closely to various moments and the corresponding music in this scene.It has much more emotional impact if you see the entire episode. The humanity of Star Trek really comes through in this episode. I never realized it when I was a kid, but now that I am old, I realize this is excellent television - writing, directing, acting, music, and even cinematography in parts. The musical cues are just so important. For instance, listen to the sombre, but caring theme kick in as Kirk approaches Pike asking him if Pike wants to go to Talos 4. Pike then beeps out a long "Yes"; he so wants to escape the living hell that is his mute, immobile, wheelchair bound life is. After Pike has beamed down, we hear something of a paradise flourish as the Talosian implants an image in Kirk's mind (and ours) of seeing a healthy Pike going hand-in-hand with Vina who, in reality, was a hideously deformed human like Pike but already living on Talos 4.. And then when the screen goes blank after the Talosian wishes Kirk well, the music transitions to one of the triumphant flourishes signally the majesty of the starship Enterprise and its mission.
13 Reply- 1 mo
Oops, I forgot to include the opening to The Wild Wild West...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCuf5tvTqE - 1 mo
Oh, I found some of those from the end of the episode where you can see the four corners with cartoon stills from the episode.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpmCBmMg7Ks - 1 mo
I want to include another great scene from Star Trek which has gone on to be important in all of Star Trek and other TV shows as well.
Listen to the sounds, watch the camera work. Feel the tension. (In this clip, it does go to commercial but that is omitted. This happens right after the countdown begins...)
Stuff like this is what made Star Trek great but underappreciated when it was first broadcast. For instance, this particular episode was broadcast at 10PM on a Friday night when no one is watching TV...
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
80s sitcoms had the best theme songs😝
Perfect Strangers maybe my favorite. STRONG hook💪
https://www.youtube.com/embed/hnqBNZYg524The Greatest American Hero was just a few years before my time to have watched it, but the song is classic, regardless….
https://www.youtube.com/embed/72MxOo5kotoAnd I’d DEFINITELY be remiss to not mention these two, from like kindergarten…
https://www.youtube.com/embed/67gig0f4HLohttps://www.youtube.com/embed/UAO2JBjRRBkI loved Mr. T so much when I was 5 or 6😂😂😂
Maybe just below the S-tier, but Silver Spoons had a solid theme song, and more importantly, this has young Alfonso Ribeiro, aka “Carlton Banks” from The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air😂Enough out of me, but those are a few good ones from back in the day
10 Reply
- 1 mo
- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo11 Reply
- Opinion Owner1 mo
AI Opinion
AskOne of my favorite TV show opening songs has to be from the series "Game of Thrones." 🎵 The powerful orchestral theme by Ramin Djawadi sets the perfect mood for the epic fantasy world. It captures the grandeur and complexity of the series beautifully! Another classic is the nostalgic theme of "Friends" by The Rembrandts. It's catchy and always brings a smile. 😊
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
936 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. There are a few, but these are at the top of my list.
Hawaii Five-O
Hogan's Heroes - I love the drums and when the brass comes in.
The Virginian - excellent10 Reply5.3K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. There are a lot of good ones. The theme from MASH, Hawaii 5-0 and Bonanza were all classics.
I think that this theme is my favorite. I like the way the theme is integrated into the story. It is an old classic series that played during the summer of 1967. Patrick McGoohan starred in The Prisoner.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ygLg-7G0Xp010 Reply- 1 mo21 Reply
You casually picked my favorite show of all time.
I love Sons of Anarchy
Another great opening song would be the one in peaky blinders.
The red right hand10 Reply- 1 mo10 Reply
- 1 mo
The Sopranos
Woke up this morning by Alabama 3/A341 Reply- 1 mo
- 1 mo10 Reply
318 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. https://www.youtube.com/embed/bbnTZREMEJII like Enterprise's intro song.
11 ReplyThe Shield
If some of you haven't seen i recommend watching it. at least a pilot
https://www.youtube.com/embed/klSVH4dJrGU10 Reply- 1 mo
sCiEnCe RuLeS10 Reply - 1 mo
The lost opening song really left the viewer with a real foreboding ominous feeling.
11 Reply - 1 mo
Any of the Star Trek opening songs. Everyone should know I'm a Trekkie.
10 Reply 2K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. 10 Reply- 1 mo
MacGyver and Walker Texas Ranger are about tied.
20 Reply - 1 mo
the thundrcats
https://www.youtube.com/embed/HcGNqrAtsgg20 Reply The Sopranos
https://www.youtube.com/embed/YDDkCiUhHCc10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
Hah, Sons of Anarchy is one of my favorites, along with Breaking Bad.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
Definitely agree with S. O. A. I love that show and also Breaking Bad
10 Reply Beverly Hillbillies.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Married with children,
10 Reply True detective season 1
10 Reply- 1 mo
The theme from Barney Miller.
10 Reply Friends or anime.
10 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Black sails
10 Reply Baywatch.
10 Reply
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