You Do Need to Apologize

You Do Need to Apologize

What has this world come to when we have people walking around that literally believe that they need to apologize for nothing? I don't get that, and I certainly don't want anybody in my life that believes that as their life mantra.

Being a human being on planet earth means that in life, you are going to be wrong, you are going to make mistakes, you are going to do hurtful things to others, and something all of us should have learned as little kids, is when you do wrong, you apologize and you attempt to do all that you can to make things right. Not apologizing is not making things right. It's an attempt to completely ignore ones own responsibility in wrong doing.

When did apologizing become a negative thing and when did this whole people feeling like they don't "owe" anyone an apology, start? I mean, let the tables turn here, and let someone wrong you and then walk away from the situation saying they don't need to apologize EVEN THOUGH they are wrong and they and you know it. Are these people saying that has absolutely no effect on them because to me that is the biggest indication that that person is a grade A a-hole that doesn't care about anyone or anything but themselves. Not only that, it show an immense level of immaturity and narcissism.

I am the firmest believer in treating others the way I'd want to be treated. I know I'm an imperfect human being, and like an imperfect human being, I have to be aware of how I am treating others, especially if I am in the wrong in the way I'm treating them. Apologizing and then putting action behind that apology so that it's not just words, is one of many reasons I've had life long friends. If I stuck my nose up and decided I'm never apologizing again, I would surely alienate both family and friends and any other relationships I would ever hope to have in life.

Don't let people convince you that their mistreatment of you, your friendship, your family, your relationships, is in some way acceptable just because they are of some false belief that they can do no wrong and everyone should just get over it. Not only should you treat people the way you want to be treated, and own up to your own mistakes, you should expect that same treatment in return from people you call friend or family.

You Do Need to Apologize
Post Opinion