Don't make my mistakes

Don't do something that feels wrong.

Even if you have a TRACE of doubt or unease about something that will affect others, seriously take that doubt into consideration. When people you love are involved in a decision you are thinking of making, talk to them about the matter.

Dont make my mistakes

I abandoned my family for no reason, and it's coming on four years since I did that. I feel so hopeless-

What do I do?

It will never improve

And so guilty-

Why did I do this

I'm so selfish

I'm a horrible person

Dont make my mistakes

Because of one selfish decision where I didn't take my loved ones into consideration, I and them have suffered immensely, for different reasons. I still don't know what to do. It feels helpless and it was all my fault.

Dont make my mistakes

This could ruin your life.

Don't do this. Take people into consideration. Their lives matter more than a feeling you're temporarily experiencing. Because there is no reversing the trauma you created.

Thank you for reading. I'll probably delete it.

Don't make my mistakes
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