Why is it easier for me to talk to guys than girls?

I’m just a normal 19 year old chick. I don’t play video games or anything like that. But a lot of the times I find it easier for me to talk to guys and just be myself. It’s easy to conversation like “where you from? What kimd of music you into?”

And guys are good at responding and keeping it going. On the other hand, girls don’t keep it going and I find they’re either shy or just domt try to keep things going. It’s also harder for me to be myself sometimes cause I feel way weireder and judged. My coworkers are an exception though, they do but otherwise it’s hard for me to make female friends.

am I looking in the wrong places?

Why is it easier for me to talk to guys than girls?
Why is it easier for me to talk to guys than girls?
115 Opinion