Are you loyal to a fault, or do you sometimes fail on your side of the ledger in a friendship or relationship?

This could involve many aspects of the friendship/relationship, like keeping secrets, cheating, stealing boyfriends or girlfriends, gossiping, not meeting your promises when your friend has met theirs, you're suppose to meet them somewhere and you never show up, etc.
Are you loyal to a fault, or do you sometimes fail on your side of the ledger in a friendship or relationship?
Are you loyal to a fault, or do you sometimes fail on your side of the ledger in a friendship or relationship?
Are you loyal to a fault, or do you sometimes fail on your side of the ledger in a friendship or relationship?
Are you loyal to a fault, or do you sometimes fail on your side of the ledger in a friendship or relationship?
A. Yes, I am guilty, I am not the most reliable and loyal friend but I try my best
B. Yes, I am a very reliable and loyal friend to those that I respect and are my true friends. You can always count on me to be there for you when you need me!
C. I have too many personal problems to be a loyal and reliable friend to anyone, I wish things were different
D. Yes, I have had friends since elementary school that we are still loyal to one another as BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!
E. OTHER, see my comments below, or just open the "Loyal Friend" survey
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Are you loyal to a fault, or do you sometimes fail on your side of the ledger in a friendship or relationship?
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