Is it harder for a single mom to raise a boy or a single dad to raise a girl?

I've known of two single parents raising the opposite gender and trying their best.

Single mother with boy:
A family relative is a single mother of a 8 year-old boy. The father bailed out on her long ago and she has raised him on her own. She tried her best on teaching him morals, values and how to be a gentleman.

Single father with girl:
My neighbor's wife died in childbirth and left him with their baby girl. He had to learn to cook, clean a whole house, what to feed the baby and everything she knew. He tried his best and his daughter is now 12 years old.

Which parent do you think has it harder? A single mother trying her best to raise her son or a single father raising his daughter as best as he could?
Single mother raising a boy
Single father raising a girl
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Is it harder for a single mom to raise a boy or a single dad to raise a girl?
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