Of course
I doubt it
Hell No
I want to have that many already
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Being rich has nothing to do with it. Ten kids are a lot no matter what tax bracket you're in unless you plan on being an absentee parent. That is a lot of different age ranges, different schools, it would be difficult to give them enough individual time with you, and on and on. I don't fancy having a classroom of children at home with me. Plus I was donating blood one day and the nurse attending me was telling me horror stories of her six kids, and I was like, not...for...me.
People can't even take care of one or two kids so wind up killing them. How do you expect people to take care of 10? Besides, you know it will be the nannies who take care of them, not the bloated ego rich people.
I don't even want one kid, you couldn't give me all the money in the world to have 10! Haha. Sorry, but money can't buy sanity and peace from screaming, needy kids. You'd wind up spending most of your fortune raising said kids if you think about it.
10 is too much, but if I was rich enough and my partner was into it, I might have thought about 5 maximum.
To have 10 kids would be a dream regardless of being rich or not
i definitely want kids, but i only want three or four.
Only 3 or 4 🤡
My 2 kids were enough to raise.
1 would be too much for me.
Probably not.