Is a dark-skinned person with a great English accent and impeccable grammar and speech rare?

If someone heard one of my good friends over the phone, someone that never met her in person would confuse her for a well-spoken, white lady with an impeccable English accent.

She doesn't speak ghetto like this: That’s me my nigga he black both my sister eyes bro he got 1 pass and it wasn’t nomore after that

That sentence obviously has terrible grammar and the person's accent must be the typical ghetto type. She actually says ''Can you please change my tire'' and not ''Yo chancha ma tire'' nonsense.

11 mo
Once in a while, certain people still get surprised upon meeting my friend. They said she speaks like a white American woman, well spoken and no ghetto talk at all.
Is a dark-skinned person with a great English accent and impeccable grammar and speech rare?
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